The Number Killer (Male) (1/5)

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Name: Chibba Hurricane

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual/Asexual

Personality: Chibba doesn't look all that much but he's dangerous. He was able to kill 26 people in just two months. He's cunning, and quick minded. He knows his own weaknesses and strengths, and knows what could break him. He's stuck up and arrogant, but can be indirectly sweet.

Looks: Chibba stands at 5'8, he has jet black hair that fades into an aqua blue, and ruby red eyes. He's pretty skinny and has pale skin, due to him not eating well. He's usually just seen with a white T-shit and jeans. But when he's out doing his job, he wears a black mask that covers the bottom portion of his face, and a white track suit with a hoodie.

Likes: Roses, the numbers #37 and #38, and popsicles.

Dislikes: Alcohol, being sick, being mocked for not knowing how to read, people saying that his parents were good citizens

Fears: Falling in love and then finding out it was all fake.

Weaknesses: Alcohol, his monthly sickness, his dyslexic eyes, his own clumsiness and all his other medical issues.

Strengths: His hearing, his fighting style (which is all over the place.), beings able to fit through small spaces, and math.

•He gets really sick whenever he consumes alcohol
•He's dyslexic
•He's suicidal (but not depressed.)
•And once a month, he starts to become really pale and begins to throw up blood. The only way to stop this is for him to be some how knocked out. Then for a few more days he's a bit sick, he has a slight fever and a sore throat so he can't talk, when that happens he uses sign language.

He's a murder and his kill count is 38 in total. Whenever he kills somebody he writes down a number on there forearm, police have found out that the number stands for what number victim they are.


Scenario 1:
It was the middle of the night and you were returning home from a long day of work. The streets weren't very busy that night, maybe just a few people coming and going as they wished. You were so ready to head home before you heard a cough from an up coming alley way. Curiosity struck you as you followed the coughs. When you reached the alley way you stood there in shock. There was a young man there, lying on the cold hard cement with a small pool of blood surrounding him, You...

Scenario 2: It was bright and early in the morning, you were ready to head off to work. You slipped on your work shoes and walked out of your apartment. You got to the parking garage were nobody really parked anymore, it was more abandoned then anything, but for some reason you would always took that way to work. As you were halfway across the garage you heard two screams echo through the building. On instinct without thinking, you ran towards the screams only to see the worst sight you've seen in your entire life. There was a man, in a white tracksuit with a black mask covering the bottom of his face, standing above two dead bodies. Both bodies were stabbed brutally. You didn't have time to run before the man spotted you. "Oh look what we have here." He laughed, You...

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