"So what if I'm girlish?" (Male) (0/5)

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Name: Tano Hinikuna

Age: 16

Sexuality: Gay

Personality: Tano is the typical Tsundere. He can be rude and doesn't like to interact with people. He usually gets into a lot of fights because of his short temper and most of the time needs someone to calm him down before he smacks the shit out of a anyone.

Looks: Tano stands at 5'5 and usually gets picked on by people taller than him. He has red hair (ginger) and dark brown eyes. He has two line markings on each of his cheeks and one on his nose. Tano likes to wear clothes that might come off as a bit feminine on a male. He would usually wear black skinny jeans and a dark red sweater. He has his ears pierced and sometimes wears chokers and small black rings.

Likes: Coffee, Geography, Guessing games, peaches and toasty fires

Dislikes: People bothering him, getting into fights, Math, Reading, and just school in general

Fear: Hights, or being in an endless cycle of something

Weaknesses: Calming himself down, staying in one place for to long, helping people and people

Strengths: Running, Getting into fights, saying no most of the time, and geography

Other: He has Hypersomia. Hypersomia is a condition were a person could sleep for 13-15 hours and still be sleepy.

He also has low iron, so he falls over a lot.

And he has a twin sister named Shiro.


Scenario 1: You were on your way to school when all of a sudden you heard a loud crash coming from the side of the building. You cautiously followed the sounds till you made it to were the source of sound was coming from. There was a boy leaning against the brick wall. He had red hair and his nose was bleeding, there was bruises all over his body and looked as if he could barley stand. When you looked to see who was in front of the boy you then understood the situation. There was two people standing in front of him, cracking their knuckles, ready to give the shorter male another beating. You...

Scenario 2:

Make it up!!

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