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Madison sighed as she sat in the kitchen. She was worried over Mia and wanted to know where her sister was. She looked as Rachel walked into the room and shoot her a glare "what's with you?" Rachel asked as Madison looked to her and rolled her eyes "like you don't know, Mia is missing and your acting as if you couldn't care less" Madison said as Rachel turned to face her and sighed "you know what Mia is like, this is all for attention. You'll be back in a day or two acting as if nothing has happened. It's Mia and it's how she acts. You know what she is like" Rachel said as Madison looked to her in shock. She knew that Mia was a bit of a drama queen but she also knew her sister was still a kid and needed her mum and Rachel was being a heartless cow

"This is your fault, Mia has been desperate for your attention. For your love and you know what. It's your fault. It's your fault that she is gone and if Anything happens to her I hope that you feel guilty. I hope that you realise what a heartless cow of a mother that you have been" Madison spat. Rachel looked to her and frowned "this isn't my fault" "oh yeah then those daily is if, you have made her feel shitty for years and years. You have made her feel awful. You have compared her to me and I am not perfect, I'm far from it. Mia Deserves better than this, then you" Madison spat as she walked out of the room. Madison ran a hand through her hair as she scrolled through her phone as she tried to call Mia "Mia, it's me look I'm worried. Just call me please" Madison said as she left Mia a voicemail sighing to herself


Madison got to work and walked into the office and she saw max and tom. They look to her and frowned "why is it?" Max asked "Mia is missing and I need to find her, I'm worried and I think that she may do something stupid" Madison said as max looked to her and smiled "we'll help you find her, won't we tom" max said as Tom looked To her and smiled "of course" tom said. Tom was worried over Mia. He knew how much that she meant to him even if they had only just been hooking up.

Madison, max and tom soon found Mia who was sitting in town. Madison ran over to Mia and hugged her "where have you been?" Madison asked as Mia looked to her and sighed "I'm not wanted" "come back, your my little sister and I need you" Madison said as Mia stood up and looked to her and sighed "mum doesn't, she doesn't want me" Mia said as she went to walk off as Tom grabbed her arm as they looked to each other for a moment before her eyes rolled back into her head as she started to have a seizure. Madison looked in shock as Tom tried to help her "call an ambulance quick" Tom said. But would everything be okay?

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