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Mia sat in the house and glared as Rachel walked into the room. Mia hated Rachel for what she had but Madison through and she felt as if her sister deserved better.

"Are you going to stop this stupid teenage antics anytime soon, I don't care if you wanted to stay with Madison. I am your mother and you are staying with me like it or not. So don't think you are going to run to Madison over this as it is final. Your sister lot her baby and she needs time to heal and get over it" Rachel said as Mia looked to her and glared

"get over it? It's not a broken arm mother, she lost a baby. A baby that you caused her to loose because you were a cow over her and max. You did this, you killed her baby and I may live here but you can't force me to enjoy it" Mia said as she stormed out of the room. Mia was annoyed, Mia knew that Rachel had to pay for everything that she had done.

Mia knew that in Rachel's head she thought it was better that Madison had lost her baby and that she thought she was helping Madison but Rachel wasn't thinking over Madison and how devastated she was and that no matter what that she and max were for keeps

Mia got to school and stood in the car park as she saw Madison and max arrive. She looked to them and smirked as they walked through the car park, Madison spotted Mia and smiled

"I'm sorry you can't stay with me, I would if you could but mum was threatening to take me to court and I don't need to stress not after loosing the baby" Madison said as Mia looked to her and smiled

"it's okay, you don't need to worry. I'm fine" Mia said as Madison looked to end and smiled. Madison felt bad. She felt as if she had let her little sister down and she hated it. Madison knew that all that she wanted to do was be there for Mia but it wasn't easy not when she wasn't her mum. Mia saw Tom in the car park and felt her heart ache. Madison sighed as she saw Mia looking across at him and smiled "mi, he's not worth it" Madison said as Mia nodded

"I know I'll see you later" Mia said as she walked inside. Mia knew how much it broke her heart to see him after everything that he had done. Mia knew that she couldn't see him. She hated having to go to school every day and see him as Mia knew that even after everything that she still loved him

Mia sighed to herself as she bunk off of school. She was meant to to be in toms class but she couldn't. She couldn't sit in his classroom as he taught her like she was one, it killed her.

It broke her heart as he acted like he was her teacher and that he meant nothing more to her. Mia walked through a field and sat down. She wiped the tears from her eyes as she realised just how broken and numb that she felt.

Mia felt her heart break as she thought over Tom. She wiped the tears from her eyes and sighed as she grabbed a bottle of vodka that she had stolen from a shop and started to drink it. She knew Rachel would kick off but she didn't care. All Mia wanted was to feel nothing right now. She wanted to feel nothing as she knew how she was hurting inside. Tom clarkson has broken her heart too many times and she hated how deep down after it all that she still loved him.

Mia hated it. Mia also knew that no one could stop her from feeling this way, she was broken and self destructing and there was nothing that anyone could do to stop it from happening or anyone who could help her right now

Mia got to toms house. She looked to him as he got out of his car. Tom looked to mia and sighed

"you skipped my class, your mother is not happy" Tom said as Mia rolled her eyes

"so what it's not that she cares, all that she cares over is splitting Madison and max up. It's not that I can sit in class and call you mr clarkson can I, not after everything" Mia said as Tom looked to she and sighed


"did you ever love me or were you just saying it to get me into bed, until your new bit came along" Mia asked as Tom smiled "there's no blonde bit, i do love you" Tom said. He could tell Mia had been drinking, he pulled her close and kissed her.

She ran her hands through his hair and kissed him, it was passionate and full of lust, they both wanted each other, Tom lead her into the house and into the bedroom. He pushed her onto the bed and climbed on top of her as they stripped off. He pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and lit of her.

Mia pulled him close having no idea how this was going to change her life

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