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Jungkook wasn't able to choose his own destiny.

This was frankly ironic because he himself was Destiny. He was, is and will be the Fate. Every life, every dream, every decision is under his control, except for his own.

"Do you actually believe that after being born, your destiny would have led you down this road?"

The mighty man in front of him spitted, rage taking control of his body. The frightening, yet beautiful man, who had his hair crowned with laurel, suddenly put his hand around the God's neck, and the gullible, sad Jungkook felt like he wasn't able to breathe anymore, even though he was immortal, a god, "inexorable" how the books hand down. The truth was, that he wasn't. He was ruthless, merciless, relentless only to others' lives, but on his own, he felt like he had no control.

"Don't ever forget that I created you. I decided your birth, I decided your role in this universe. I decided you should be the Fate. But you don't control me. No, I can escape your decisions, as well as your brothers' ones. I may not be the God of Fate, because I can't choose any other God or mortal's destiny, but I can create my own without being controlled by you."

Jungkook let him believe that. He made a promise. He will be okay. He will handle this.

"If you rebel too much, remember that it should not be that hard for me to replace you."

Jungkook was about to answer when he heard thundering footsteps coming towards them. His brothers looked at him like he was their most precious treasure, but he could feel the wrath in their hearts. Impassive, they removed their father's hand from Jungkook's neck and held him tight in their arms.

"Father, we apologize for interrupting, but Jungkook has a life to cut. You may tell our uncle, Hades, that he is going to receive a mortal very soon." Yoongi said, guiding Jungkook towards the loom. Jungkook saw Namjoon, his other brother, clench his fists.

The brothers walked and walked, linked by their hands, until the younger burst. "I'm going to kill him, hyungs. When everything is over, I will do it. Even a mortal is more worthy to sit in his throne."

Namjoon kissed him on his forehead, and blessed him. "It's time, Jungkook."

Jungkook inhaled, getting ready to take his abhorred shears. His brother Yoongi put the life thread of a mortal in front of him, and without any thoughts, he cut it. They all heard the scream of the dying mortal, picked by the God of the Underworld himself, Hades.

"Who is going to be the next one, little nephew?" Hades smirked, putting the mortal's soul inside the Sea of the Dead.

Jungkook raised his head, his white dress fluttered as his transparent veil in his hair. "Oh, uncle Hades, you have no idea. I'm going to kill the source of my pain."

"Who is it, Jungkook? The source of your pain, is it Zeus, or yourself?"



"Fate, the Moirai are the three goddesses who determined human, and in particular the span of a person's life and his allotment of misery and suffering."

Author knows that the Moirai are females, but since this is a fanfiction, the Moirai will be males. Author does not want to disrespect the greek mythology, she only thought that this could be fun to write.


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