The Preformance

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Isabella's POV

It's been 2 days now and beeing in Shawn's body is hard, but it's about to get even harder. Today is the first magcon and the fans expect Shawn to be singing. I've been trying to learn his songs and everything but i still aren't sure if it's good enough to fool the fans. The rest of the boys, their girlfriends and my sister still don't know what happened to Shawn and I. We decided to just keep it a secret and figure it out ourselves.

Shawn's POV

I've been trying to figure out a plan for these past two days. It's been hard but i think i have one. I don't know how Isabella is going to like it but it's the safest thing to do. Isabella and I and going to have to date but, we could pretend if she prefers. That way we can always be together and if someone asks either of us a question we can't answer, we can do that couply thing and answer for each other or finish each other's sentences. It's really cheesy i know, but it might work. Im especialy nervous for Magcon today. Isabella has to preform as me! We need to practise. I don't know how i should tell Isabella about this plan. It should be as soon as possible. I guess i will just need to tell her now, before Magcon...

Isabella's POV

I'm sitting down at a table in the hotel café and I see myself (Shawn) walking to where I am. "We need to talk. I came up with a plan and i'm not sure if you're going to like it, but it's safe." he explained. "okay? shoot" i told him, patting the seat next to me signaling for him to sit down. "We need to date". I almost choked on air! The thing was i always had a crush on him, but was to scared to do anything about it because i didn't want him to think it was for his fame. "I'm sorry, but we really should" he added. I couldn't stop the smile growing on my face. I don't think I ever blushed so much. "I don't mind, Shawn. Just one question, Is this for show or are we really going to date?" I imediatly regreted my words. But when I saw the smile on his face, i felt this warm feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Sure, we can date, for real" he said smiling from ear to ear. "I was thinking since you are me now, you ask me out on stage at Magcon, it's what I would have done to you." Shawn said blushing like crazy. "We still need to play each other you now" he added. "Okayy!" I said, maybe to excited and loudly. He simply smiled and got up, "we leave in 20 minutes, wear something nice" he told me and walked to his room. I went up to my room and got ready.

*At Magcon*

Isabella's POV

I was getting ready to preform Shawn's song. I already told Mahogany about my plan to ask Shawn (Myself) out. She found it so cute, she told the rest of the guys. I was up next, i was so nervous. I went up on stage and started to play Shawn's guitar. I was lucky i knew how to play. He tought me the song. I started singing his cover of 'Summer Time Sadness' It was over before i knew it and all the girls were cheering. I enjoyed that moment. I went back stage to put Shawn's guitar away "You know, I don't like it when people sing my covers better than i do" Shawn whispered to me. I blushed so hard and that's when I remembered "I need to ask you out now, act surprised!" i whispered back. He nodded his head and i went and joined Mahogany on stage to tell her I was asking Shawn out now. She asked the crowd to be quiet and had Cameron bring out a chair. "Will miss Isabella please come on stage? Shawn has a little surprise for you." Mahogany anounced. Shawn walks up on stage and sits on the chair. We tried our best not to burst out laughing. "Isabella, will you please do me a favor?" i asked, trying to make It look cute. "What?" he tried to giggle, but failed. Thank goodness the crowed didn't hear it. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. I was about to blow up. I couldn't keep my laugh in. "Of course" he hugged me "pick me up bridal style and kiss my cheek" he whispered. I did as i was told. It was so weird! "KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS" the crowd chanted. We leaned it, our lips touched and my stomach turned into a zoo. It was amazing! "Thank you all for coming! Byee" Mahogany said to the crowd. We all went backstage "So one of my friends are having a party, you guys wanna go? asked Carter. "Sure" we all replied and with that we left.

Samantha's POV

I can't believe my sister is now dating Shawn! Shawn freaking Mendes!! I wish something like that happened to me. I was sort of starting to like Nash but I knew for a fact he didn't like me back when i saw something i never imagined i would ever have to see...


A/N: Isabella and Shawn are now an item! It will be hard since they still need to pretend to be each other. Do you think it will effect their relationship?

Need girlfriends for Carter, Taylor and Cameron!🍍

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