1: Getting Ready - 3rd person/Virgil's POV

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Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, bee-

Virgil woke up to his alarm clock blaring lights and sound. He quickly pressed snooze and tiredly rubbed his eyes. It was 6:00 a.m. on the first day of sophomore year. 

Virgil changed out of his all black, with hints of purple, pajamas and put on his usual, black pants, black t-shirt, and black eye shadow. He then threw on his black hoodie with purple patches, and slipped on his black sneakers. 

Virgil digged the color purple because purple was just an edgy color he liked. Black though, well, he didn't necessarily like black, but it helped him go unnoticed.

He grabbed his comb and started to brush out his plum purple hair. He really did love that color. 

The teen looked into the mirror and stared at his very own brown eyes. They were dark and mysterious, like himself. 

Oh, how he hated High School. The only thing High School is meant for is for kids to rate and make fun of each other. Like the kid named Logan. He is always called, "the nerd" or "the geek", sometimes even "the loser". 

The boy finished getting ready and walked to the bus stop. He hated the bus so much because it involved social interaction. Being social was not a strong suit of Virgil.

The teen got very anxious as he waited at the bus stop. No one else was waiting for the bus.

Did he miss the bus?

Will he get to school on time?

Where is everyone?

These were the thoughts running through the boy's mind before the bus pulled up in front of him.

He took a deep breath and stepped into the bus. It smelled sweaty already, but that made sense because the sun was blazing at an abnormal time of the day. He heard the screams of jocks and the whimpering of nerds. Virgil looked around the bus taking in his surroundings.

"Shoot." He mumbled under his breath. Every single seat had someone on it. He had to ask someone if he could sit next to them. Virgil walked down the aisle measuring peoples faces until he found someone who seemed kind enough.

"Uh, can I sit with you?" Virgil stated a little rudely, but again, he had social anxiety.

*Sorry it's short! This is my first novel ever so, uh, yeah! Also, constructive criticism is advised, just don't be mean like, "Your writing is horrible" or "Stop writing, your the worst writer I've ever read". Thanks for reading the first chapter!*

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