9: The Night Terror - 3rd person/Virgil's POV

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TW: Night terrors

The boy stared in awe at the teen running off to his class.

Did he just... kiss me? He thought.

His mind was bugumbled as he walked into AP World History. He was dazed in love, he couldn't think or speak. All he could do was imagine Roman. Romann. Roommann. Roommannnn. Roooommmmmmmannn-

He was walking through the woods, holding hands with Roman.

"You're really handsome." Virgil leaned over and gave Roman a kiss on his lips.

"I love you."

"I love you, too." Virgil replied. Then they stopped in a clearing in the middle of the forest. Virgil looked up at the birds and the trees. He hadn't even noticed the boy in front of him had gotten down on one knee.

"Virge," He looked down at Roman and put his hands over his mouth in shock. "do you take me, Roman Sanders, to become your husband, and to promise to protect you forev-" 

Just at that moment a bunch of snakes came out from the woods, surrounding the couple.

"Ssssssso. Marriage, huh?" The leader snake said in a snide voice.

"Yeah, now go away!" Roman fired back.

"Wrong choiccccccce." The snake replied. Then, at once, all the snakes attacked them. Roman somehow got a sword and started to protect himself. Virgil, however, started to scream. The snakes were coming for him, not Roman. He had three bites already when Roman jumped in front of the crippling Virgil. Virgil witnessed Roman dying, to protect Virgil. He started yelling, screamin-

"VIRGIL!!" He opened his eyes and felt the cold sweat on his face. He sat up and noticed he was now in the nurses office, with a comforting Roman at his side, looking deeply concerned.

"Roman! ROMAN!" Virgil burst into tears and wrapped Roman in a big hug.

"What happened?" Oh no. Roman isn't supposed to know about his night terrors, but he knew he couldn't hide it now.

"I h-have night t-terrors. I must've f-fallen asleep in-in AP World History."

"Well, you were screaming my name. What happened? You can tell me." Roman stroked his hand through Virgil's plum purple hair. Virgil gulped.

"You, erm, you proposed. Then we were attacked by s-snakes and you d-died to save me." He closed his eyes expecting a rude response, but it never came.

"Were you going to say yes?" Virgil looked up in surprise.

"What was that?"

"Were you going to say yes, before we were attacked." Roman looked at the floor, obviously embarrassed.

"I, I was going to say yes." Roman's face changed faster than a snap.

"Really! Oh, Virgil!" He grappled Virgil into a hug, and kissed him on the forehead. Roman was smiling so cheerful, that it was like a contagious disease. Virgil started smiling too, and the couple went to grab their stuff for their next class.

*I did it! I finally wrote another chapter. Wow, it's been so long. Sorry to y'all who have been waiting, I know I know, I'm mean. Anyway, constructive criticism, blah, blah, blah. Ooh! I also forgot, please go read my new dystopian novel called, "I Love You". Thanks so much, see ya! -SandersFanders*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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