3: Drama Class? - 3rd Person/Virgil's POV

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TW: Little mention of divorce, some censored cussing, rude thoughts (I guess), slight mention of suicide, and an anxiety attack.

New, new, new (So brand new)

Oh, I've never felt so brand new

So brand new

I've never felt so brand new

Virgil listened to the last bit of, New by Ben Platt, as he was getting off the bus. Ben Platt's album was mostly about how his relationship, with a boy, so, a gay relationship, turned out. Virgil loved his songs, and this album in particular he enjoyed. He had no idea why.

The teen stepped off the bus and could immediately smell the school scent. School smelled like his nightmares, because most of his nightmares, were about school. 

Oh, how he missed watching conspiracy theories on his bed all day while eating Doritos. He would watch, and watch, and watch, 'til his eyes got sore and he feel asleep. His dad didn't really care about him too much. His mom, well, she, she left. 

Virgil shook his head and starting walking towards the giant doors of his school. His principal, vice principal, secretary, and attendance manager were all standing at the doors handing papers out. Those were the schedules.

The boy walked up and, shyly, told them his name. The principal had his schedule.

"Here you go, Virg monster!" The principal chuckled in a nice way, and the other students standing nearby started to laugh and point rudely.

Virgil sunk into himself and quickly looked at what room his homeroom was in.

"Sh*t." Virgil mumbled. He was in room number 373. That teacher was, supposedly, the worst teacher at the school. He knew that from people talking in the hallway last year.

Nevertheless, the boy shrugged his shoulders and kept walking. 

This day couldn't get any worse.

He thought to himself.

He walked down the hallway and entered the room. It smelled fresh, but was completely vanished by the smell of a horrible perfume. Virgil looked up and saw a witch. 

Obviously she wasn't an actual witch, but she looked like one. Her eyes met his and she spoke up.

"Well, you must be Virgil." She spoke in a fake, kind voice. 

"Uh, um, y-yes?" He stated. He looked around the classroom. Everyone was staring at him and a few of them were whimpering. Only two seats were still left.

"WELL SIT DOWN!! YOU ARE 7.65 SECONDS LATE FOR CLASS." She yelled. Virgil's anxiety started to pipe in as he scurried over to his seat.

She hates you. Everyone does.

Stop trying, go home now.

You are worthless.

 Virgil sat down and concentrated on what his homeroom teacher was saying, and soon, his anxiety drifted away.


The bell went to notify the end of homeroom. 

"Alright, first period, kids." The teacher said harshly to get everyone out of the room.

"Oh, f*ck." Virgil whispered to himself. He had Drama Class, but he signed up for art, not Drama. 

The teen slumped his shoulders and walked to the class he's avoided his whole life.

"Ah, welcome, though she be but little, she is fierce." Virgil heard an elegant voice say as a small girl walked up to the classroom.

"Shakespeare!" She responded in an abnormally high voice, then she dashed onto the stage excitedly. As it turns out, the classroom is the auditorium.

"Welcome! Though this be madness, yet there is method in't." She said when she saw Virgil.

"Was that a c-compliment?" The boy asked the teacher innocently.

"Could be." She responded.

"Oh, great." He stated and his anxiety came right back as he entered the classroom.

You don't belong here, or anywhere.

Give it up, you're nothing more than an emo.





He couldn't take it anymore. He ran backstage and started crying hysterically. The boy's breathes quickened and the thoughts became more intrusive.

You're nothing.

Leave now.

You're an embarrassment to everyone.

Everyone hates you.

Leave this world behind you.

Go, kill yourse-

Then a hand was laid on Virgil's shoulder. He turned around and it was...

...The boy he sat with on the bus.

*Wow, I wrote a lot more than I thought I would. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter, and constructive criticism is advised, as I always say. I really want to know how I am doing with my writing! Also, tell your Sanders Sides fan friends to read this. Thanks, bye!*

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