Deku... Explain!

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Uraraka stared in shock. "Wait, what?!"

"Ok, let's start from the beginning now," he sighed, patting his bed. She quickly sat down, awaiting a further instruction. "I don't know much, but I trust you to keep what I do know just between us."

She nodded, not speaking a word.

"Good. So, what I know is that the villains used a quirk on me to reverse my passion towards becoming a hero."

"But your attitude wasn't different at all today. Jiro said you were acting a little weird, but I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. For you, that is."

"Exactly!" Midoriya shouted. "I figured this quirk only affects me periodically, but I also noticed it was happening more frequently. The time I miss could range from twenty minutes to four hours now, so it's also expanding on duration time."

"Do you know when it happens?"

"Now I do," he stated, pulling out two very small boxes from his nightstand drawer. He handed her one, and as she examined it, he continued. "I getting these splitting migraines before I lose my memory for however long he decides to hold me under. These are buzzers, see."

Midoriya pressed his between his fingers, which caused Uraraka's to buzz violently. "Woah."

"Yeah, I asked Momo to make them for me. She didn't bother asking why, which was kind of surprising, but then again, I gave her a cake in return." Midoriya chuckled, but soon continued. "I can't let anybody know about all this, Uraraka-chan. That's why I have these. I'll buzz you once I feel the headache so you can at least prepare yourself and-" He paused.

"And what?"

"-and you need to protect Todoroki. I have a confession to make, Uraraka." She nodded in response.

"This villain side of me is targeting Todoroki. He wants to kill him by getting close to him, you know? Find his weakness and stuff, but the thing is, I'm not gay. I am bi, but not gay." Uraraka was somewhat shocked, but not about Midoriya's sexuality. "Uraraka-chan, I like you. I like you a lot, and I would dare say love you-"

She gasped and pulled Midoriya into a hug. "I love you too, Izu-kun!"

"-but dating you is too risky. If I get into a relationship with you, this new villain side of me will just crush your heart, kill you, or take you with him." Uraraka understood.

"I get it. I really do understand. I just need to let you know how much I feel the need to kiss you right now, you know, because we might not ever get the chance."

Midoriya grinned and quickly swooped into a kiss, a sweet and innocent one. Once they separated, Midoriya held one of her hands. "No matter what happens, I love you. If this villain leaves and does some 'things' with other people, guys to be specific, I don't want it to break your heart. If I ever gain control over him, I will most certainly come running back to you."

She smiled and stood. "And I'd openly accept you back." With that, she left the boy alone once more.

hey, so i was wondering if anybody who reads this likes the omgeaverse stuff? i'm not too into it, but i had an idea for a oneshot and i don't know if my readers would like that stuff.

what do you think?

should i publish it


do you want to ignore my shit idea?

i chose ignore the idea, but it's up to my readers. *ahem* crowdpleaser *ahem*

oh yeah, sorry for the short chapter. this is a filler, but i just needed something to base the plot of a later chapter off of, so i only established what needed to be done

have a good day/good night, do not let the insurance man get you in your sleep~


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