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The fall of each sunset,

Like a cicada crying for limbo...

With the smell of fallen leaves,

That wish for the sand in Fiji...

The touch of coconut milk from palm trees,

And the feel of the dragon's fruit...


But as some break out of the cocoon,

And become butterflies,

Some still shudder inside their space...

Where lamps become nothing but cold candles...

Waiting for the sun to arise in its user...


It's like watching clouds cover a rainbow,

When you see greatness,

And realize what you have...

Is only the handle of the knife...

Bleed sacrifices into the drains and vowels of the wicked,

Whom seek nothing but lust of failure...

The defeat from so called "worms" that squirm for life in a desert...

The oasis will arise for a few,

As a vision of what is to come out of these hard times...


And when the vision becomes reality...

Miracles are born.

Endless SunsetsWhere stories live. Discover now