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We all sat together in Michael's basement. Me and all the boys. I've never felt so uncomfortable. Calum sat beside me smoking a blunt and Michael took a hit from the bong. Luke and Ashton were both pouting in the corner. The boys were all too stupid to understand what was wrong with them. Ashton's fists would clench every time we'd mention Addison. Calum tried to bring the blunt to my mouth but I shoo'd him away.

"Have you talked to Nadia?" Luke asks to me.

"No." Yes. Of course I have. It's been a month since the breakup. Two weeks since she's gotten together with Quinn. "I don't know what you want me to say to her Luke." I roll my eyes slightly.

"She won't talk to me. I just want to let her know I'm sorry. I'd tell her myself at school but I'm not allowed because of my dumbass." He growls. Liz Hemmings told us if we ever see Luke at school before his injury is healed to call her. 'Her baby needs time to heal'. To be fair he did almost die. It was almost summer and Luke was certain he wasn't gonna pass any of his classes.

"Good thing the rest of us don't go to school either so you won't be graduating alone next year." Michael laughs and coughs from the smoke in his lungs.

I look at Calum. "I thought-" He kisses me and then whispers shut up. I pull back confused. I don't understand why he doesn't want the boy to know he got a full ride for football. When he told me, his mom and I made a huge deal of it. We got cupcakes, wine and had a big family party for him.

"It's fine. More time to work on songs." Ashton shrugs. "Whilst being supported." He adds. "After we graduate we're going to London." Ashton had big ideas for this little band. But to be fair to him they were quite good. They started doing more gigs and writing more.

"You are?" I question.

"Don't worry when we are selling world arenas I'm sure Calum will remember you." Ashton cups his hand over his heart.

Will Addison remember you? "Thanks Ashton." I nod with a fuck you face on.

"Anytime sweet heart." He smirks.

"Gross." I mumble.

"Don't listen to him." Calum chuckles. He holds my hand tightly. "I can't forget you if you're right by my side." He winks.

"Uh, the roads a no girl zone." Michael looked over at us both. Luke and Ashton sport the same confused looks.

"Look I know you boys ain't been getting laid recently but don't ruin it for me." Calum laughs playing with his promise ring.

"What's-" Luke grabs my hand looking at it. "Did you propose?!?" Luke yelled at Calum. The room feel silent with tension as Calum and I both broke into a fit of laughter. I wipe a stray tear from my under eye as the boys finally come back into focus. They all spot almost disgusted faces.

"No mate. It's just a ring." Calum giggled and coughed.

"I thought we were engaged!" I let out a fake gasp.

"I mean- we are." Calum joins along with me.

The boys are pretending to throw up as Calum and I giggle.

"Gross." Luke groans.

"Maybe if you guys gave girls rings you'd still have the girls." I shrug. "But probably not." I laugh.

Ashton and Luke looked hurt by my comment. They both shook their heads and returned back to the bongs. Calum and Mikey looked at me with eyes that said 'why would you bring them up?'. I'm not going to act like they've done nothing wrong to my best friends.

"I'm gonna go hang out with the girls. Movie night." I nod standing up and heading out, but not without a kiss from Cal.


"Yeah then they all looked at me as if I was the bad guy!" I tell the girls.

"That's wack!" Addison shakes her head. I'm surprised Ryder out of his sight long enough for her to be alone.

"They'll get over it." Nadia nods. She's covered in hickeys.

"I think we should do something about it." I tell them. I look over at the buckets of paint Liz has had for a DIY project she was working on. The devilish smirk grew on all our faces.

"It's go time." Addison stands up running to the paint.


We sat in silence.

"So," Mikey whispered.

"SHUT UP!" We all screamed causing echos to fill the tiny room. Calum held his arm around me but he didn't squeeze me tight like normal. I get he's mad but it's not that big of a deal.

I watched the floor and noticed Nadia playing with the elastic band on her wrist. Her small body covered in red paint making her look like something out of Carrie. I'm sure I didn't look too much better. Calum was plastered in blue. The rest of us were all a mix of the rainbow.

The bars of the cell pointed out to the police station. Luckily this holding cell wasn't too small so we could all stretch out and relax until our parents arrived. I'm sure Calum's terrified. His mom didn't want him hanging out with the boys anymore because she thought they my jeopardize his chances of uni. To be fair they do. Calum texted me asking me what I thought about him doing the band instead of football. In the end it's his choice.

"I'm fucking starving, could they not of fed us before putting us in here." Addison grumbles to Nadia and I. We both shrug.

"Maybe if you didn't do this we could all be home right now." Luke growled at her. The pink paint was soaking his hair and entire body. Ashton sat quietly covered in red paint as well. Or maybe that was just his skin. He was so angry he could probably flip at any moment.

"Oh yeah blame us, his neighbour called the cops." I roll my eyes at Michael.

"You we're covering our cars in paint! Do you know how much that's gonna cost to get fixed?" Luke asked squinting at me.

"Don't yell at my friends." Addison rolled her eyes at him. We all sat in silence for another hours before the cop finally came in.

"So, somebody wanna tell me why my holding cell is full of paint filled misfits?" He raises his brow.

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