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You thought the initial move to the outskirts of London would be the hardest, finding a job, a place to live etc. But no, the hardest is the fucking underground! God its confusing for you.

You normally just ride your bicycle or your neighbours motorcycle wherever you need to go a far distance, but in this case an hour cycling or borrowing the neighbours motorcycle at 2am isn't ideal, so the underground it is.

You need to get these tickets, Cate Blanchett live on stage.
Knowing Cate would star in the play was enough but hearing about her in a strap live turned it from wanting to go to NEEDING to go, you can't miss this.

You moved here for theatre, the opportunities, the whole atmosphere.
Now, Cate appearing on stage it's like the stars aligning, you finally get to see the woman you have looked up to & adored for so long.

You manage to get the train to the station near the national theatre without any issues, you almost got on the wrong train but you are here!

You better fucking get a ticket.

You'll be lining up by 3am, then will have to go to a hotel to sleep then come back for the play.

You'll be fine & you'll be on time as long as you don't fuck up on the way to the show later.

You walk up to the theatre & begin to cue, you're first!
Two girls line up behind you & they introduce themselves.
You all chat about your excitement, your love for Cate & theatre & that damn STRAP!

You see the lights inside turn on & the ticket counter opens, the lady serving you is lovely.

Now you finally have your ticket & you are at ease.

You all say goodbye before you head to the to zip to your hotel to get some sleep.
Normally you would get a cheaper hotel but you had some money set aside spare from moving so you thought why not make it a beautiful treat to yourself,  seeing Cate & staying in a swanky hotel.

You arrive to the hotel, the security guards at the front doors really show you how fancy the place is.

You approach the front dest to a smiling woman.

"Hi my name is Y/N, just checking in"
You say to the nice lady at the desk.

"Good morning Y/N, it was just the two nights?"
She says with a friendly smile

"Yes thank you"
You respond with a smile

She hands you your key in a nice little golden holder
"There is your key, your room number & floor level is inside there "

"Oh thank you so much, I'm ready for a sleep"
You say in a relieved sigh

"It is very early! What brings you in at such an early time?"
She asks in friendly curious manner

"Oh I had to line up early to get tickets at the National theatre Cate Blanchett is the lead of a play there at the moment & I'm a huge fan"
You say with enthusiasm

She grins a knowing smile
"Oh yes I am aware of that play, when we have sufficiently tortured each other, good taste & aren't you lucky"
She says in a warm way

"I am, I'm so happy I got them"
You reply

She maintains her grin, almost like she knows something but you assume she just knows the play & how risqué it is.

"I hope you enjoy your stay & the play"
She says with a friendly wink & smile.


You get up to your beautiful room, tossing your things just inside the door before planning to set an alarm to give yourself enough time to get ready & get  to the theatre.

When We Have Sufficiently Tortured Each Other  Where stories live. Discover now