Time Together

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You both lie there, fingers trailing over the other, eyes taking in every detail of exposed skin, battling with your eyelids increased weight, you want this moment to last forever.

*Cates phone rings*

Your eyes go to hers, she gives you a smile before she reaches & looks at the screen "It's Hilda my publicist, I'll just call her back tomorrow" She says in an almost apologetic way.

The thought passes your mind; could Cate have been enjoying the moment just as much as you?

"It's ok, you can answer, I don't mind" You say with a smile, her eyes looking into yours making sure you really don't mind

She kisses the top of your head & grabs her phone  "Thankyou" she mouths to you before answering "Hello Hillie" she says

You faintly hear Hildas voice on the other end of the phone "Hey Cate, so sorry to call late, I'm surprised you're still up, I thought I'd be leaving a message"

"Oh don't be silly, it's fine" Cate replies warmly

''I hope you weren't busy, I wasn't interrupting you was I?'' Hilda asks tenderly

Cate looks at you & chuckles "No no, I was just relaxing with a guest" She says as she gives you a wink, you give a playful swat to her arm

You hear Hilda apologise again & you mouth to Cate that you're going to the bathroom, she gives a nod before continuing her conversation.

You go freshen up, throw on a robe & head back out stopping at the kitchen to get yourself & Cate a glass of water before heading back to the bed

"Love you too Hillie, see you tomorrow, goodnight" Cate says before ending the call & smiling at you as you hand her some water "Thank you sweetheart" She says as she sits up & takes a sip "Don't you look beautiful" she says as she gently plays with  your robe tie

"Oh why thank you, I do have another but unfortunately. . ." You pause with a cheeky smirk

Her brows furrow "Unfortunately?" she says with a questioning grin

"Well you look quite nice yourself, I didn't want to spoil the view" You say playfully

"Cheeky girl" She says as you both laugh, she  pulls your tie to bring you closer "So, Hilda called to let me know about a dinner tomorrow, she says it will be good press for the play" She says as she strokes your hair

"Oh that sounds nice" You say with a smile

"Would you like to come with me?" She asks looking you in the eyes

You are shocked to say the least

"Me? You'd like me to come with you? What about Hilda?' You ask in a shocked tone

"I'd love you to come with me. Hilda will be coming too, I told her I'd like her to meet you" She says with a warm tone & an excited smile

Your heart races. You know how close Cate & Hilda are, you know how big of a deal this is.

"I- . . . I'd love to" You say, slightly  overwhelmed

"Excellent" She says as she leans in to give you a kiss

You still can't believe this is really happening

"You'll have to help me pick something to wear Miss fashion icon" You say playfully

"Fashion icon'' she says with a scoff, air escaping her lips as she rolls her eyes

"It's true!" You say

"Well actually, if you would like, I have something that I think would look perfect on you" She says with a smile

"Ahh is that even a question? Yes please!" You say with excitement

"Well we will go to my room in the morning & you can be my model" She says, in a unintentionally sexy way "If you don't mind me staying here this evening that is" She adds with a cheeky tone

"Well you did pay for it! How can I say no" You say, in a jokingly frustrated tone

"Oh I did didn't I?" She says devilishly as she pulls your robe tie, undoing it "May I?' she asks, you nod before she parts the robe, exposing your chest.
She gives you a grin as she takes in the view before sliding the robe off  your shoulders & pulling you to her to lie with her again. Your bodies fit perfectly together as you look at one another in appreciation

Your eyes begin to grow heavy yet again

"I really like you" You say in complete adoration, almost like an 'I love you'

She smiles warmly, strokes your hair back behind your ear before bringing her lips to yours tenderly "I really like you too' She says with an equal adoration  "Goodnight darling" She says with a low humming like tone

"Goodnight" You say before you both drift off to sleep. . .

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