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"No need to apologise, is everything ok?"
You say,
shocking yourself you were able to speak to her at all let alone forming a sentence.

"Oh yes, just looking for my room key to get up to my level"
She says with a flustered smile as she continues searching through her bag

"I can scan mine & pop in the level, save you searching down here"
You say warmly

"Oh I'd appreciate it, thank you"
She says gathering her things & standing as you approach

"Im Cate"
She says reaching out her hand to shake it

"Oh trust me I know"
You say smiling as you shake her hand
"I'm Y/N, I'm a big fan"
You add

You scan your card, press the button & you hear the lift begin to move approaching you, you can't help but hope it moves slowly so you have a more time to talk

"You wouldn't be the Y/N that's on my level that helped Ven & Mel would you?"
She says with a curious grin

You can't believe she asked.

"Yeah that's me"
You say shyly

"Well how convenient"
She says with a smile

The elevator doors ding open & the two of you step inside, you scan the card again & press the level & the doors close

"& thank you for the flowers, I hope you enjoyed the play"
She says looking at you with a smirk

You can't believe she remembers you.
It was only moments ago but it's still completely mind boggling to you.

"Oh my gosh"
You say blushing, she chuckles at your reaction
"You're welcome, it was absolutely incredible, it's sparked so much thought in my mind. I'm going to have to line up for tickets in a few hours because I need to see it all again"
You say, the conversation flowing surprisingly easily

She smiles at you before replying
"The ladies told me you had lined up, I truly appreciate it, Im cuffed you enjoyed it so much so you want to see it again"
She says

"I more than enjoyed it. It was astounding honestly, it completely highlighted & destroyed gender roles & expectations all at the same time & the acting, my god the acting!"
You say calmly but excitedly

She grins at you with a fulfilled look
"I'm glad some people are seeing more than the provocation"
She says

"Provocation forces conversation & question. This play in particular it is such a powerful tool"
You say, you can tell she feels your passion by the look in her eye & her smile as she nods

The elevator doors open

She begins looking through her bag again still not finding her key

"No luck?"
You ask

"I don't know what I've done. Bloody early onset dementia"
She says with a laugh, you join in her laughter

"Did you want to use my phone to call reception?"
You ask

"Oh please, it's no trouble is it?"
She replies

"Not at all! It's just me in my room so you're not bothering anyone"
You say

"Or bothering you?"
She asks with a sweet tone to her voice

"Honestly it's a pleasure to help, all I ever wanted in life was to meet you, so this right now is exceeding all of my dreams"
You say with a smile

"You certainly are a sweetheart, thank you"
She says in such a meaningful way

You head inside your room, the music channel still on from earlier.
She takes a seat on the couch, you grab the phone & hand it to her

"There you go"
You say smiling before heading to the kitchen

"Would you like some tea?"
You ask

"That would be lovely"
She answers with a smile as you flick the kettle on, she dives back into her overcrowded bag & retrieves her phone

You make the tea & head toward her, she raises her head
"Sorry, easily distracted"
She says as places her phone down, propping herself up keeping her legs crossed as she reaches for the tea
"No you're fine, take as long as you like I have no plans"
You say handing her her mug
"Ahh thank you so much"
She says with a relaxed exhale

"You're welcome"
You say as you sit across from her

She takes the room phone & calls reception, asking them to bring up a key for her & hanging up

"I'll be out of your hair in no time"
She says as she takes a sip of her tea

"Don't be silly, like I said it's honestly a pleasure & it's good you're keeping me up I have to stay awake"
You say

She looks at you with a puzzled look

You say smiling

"Ahhh yes"
She says with a smile about to talk when  a knock sounds at the door, you go to get up
"No it's alright you stay, it will be my key"
She says

She walks to the door, graciously answering & collecting her key.

She comes back, she's taken her shoes off & is looking comfortable as she approaches holding the key up with a smile

She sits back down, taking the paper & pen from the coffee table between you two, writing something down. She looks up at you with a smile before placing the note on the table facing you.

"Now it's too cold to be lining up & I don't want you having to head out again because I'm rather enjoying the company & this tea is wonderful"
She looks at you smiling before sitting back comfortably folding her legs & taking the last sip of tea
"Not to mention you've helped me so much. Whenever you'd like to come to see the play, buzz that number & tell them your name, I will let the theatre know you're a guest of mine & to have a seat for you whenever you wish"
She says with a smile

You feel your eyes light up & a smile crossing your face
"Oh my god thank you so much"
You say excitedly
"You've honestly made my life"
You add

"No, thank you for being so kind"
She says

You finish your tea, stand & collect her empty cup
You ask as you head to the kitchen

"A pot to share?"
She asks as she fiddles with her rings
"If you'd like that is"
She adds with a grin

"Of course"
You shake your head in disbelief
"I can't believe this"
You add

"Well it looks like we both have been fortunate this evening"
She says with a smile

"In my case I think more than fortunate"
You say as you pop the teabags in the pot
She stands & comes to help carry the cups

You pour tea to both cups

"Did you want to sit on the balcony for a little? I need a cigarette"
You say as you grab your pack from your bag

"Oh yes, Me too"
She says wrapping her jacket around herself

"What, Cate I don't smoke Blanchett would like a cigarette?"
You say in a playful tone, grinning at her.
Slight worry sets in when you realise you've been playful & you don't know if she will like it

She burst out with a laugh
"Oh Piss off"
She says as she gently elbows you, you laugh with her as you both walk to the balcony her shoulder brushing yours as you walk, it gives you goosebumps.

When We Have Sufficiently Tortured Each Other  Where stories live. Discover now