The Airport

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The car stops.

Deep breath, straight through the doors, just hold Cate.
You've done this before.

You think back, the night you first accompanied her to the play. The jokes you both made about being seen together;
"You wait headline tomorrow: Cates mystery lady, who is she"
Cate said, spreading her hands in front of herself comically

You laughed together

"Ooo I like that, what a scandal"
You said with a cheeky grin.

The way she held your hand all the way to the theatre.

That was before the other many sightings, the many headlines, the paparazzi following you to buy fucking tampons. It never bothers Cate, where there are paparazzi, there are usually fans she is happy to interact with when there is time.

Those times the paps do try spy on the two of you, she always knows, never misses a trick. She likes to toy with them, never giving them what they want, but always giving you what you want;
-A hand up your skirt on a balcony just high enough to cover
"Don't give it away darling"
-A fully naked Cate in front of a partially closed curtain, just open enough for them to snap a picture of you completely gobsmacked
"Don't worry they can't see me baby, it's all for you"
-Her long slim fingers inside of you as she drove you both from her hotel.
"The windows are tinted so they can't see, but don't let them hear"
She thought you would have moaned at that, she was right.

And that's just some that you can think of in this short amount of time.

"You ready darling?"
She asks, taking her hand in yours. Back to reality
"What are you smiling about?"

"I'm ready. I'm smiling about you"
You say, giving her hand a kiss.
Her eyes sparkle.

The door opens for you two. Out she goes, effortlessly as usual, helping you out not at all effortlessly as usual.

Clicks & flashes surround. The voices of the paparazzi & fans layering one another making it nearly impossible hear what they're saying amongst them calling her name & asking questions.

All you see is her, like she's in slow motion. Her hand gripping yours tightly, reassuring, holding you close.
She waves & smiles at the fans

Someone calls out

"Cate please"

Something very unfamiliar
"We're mutuals on Twitter"
The voice says

You blink, trying to spot who the voice is coming from

There she is
"Hey! Sorry I can't chat we're already late"
You say kindly as you pass

"It's ok, you're living all of our dreams we love you! Tweet me whenever you can!"
She says happily

Inside finally, no more yelling, no more flashes.

"It seems you may have some fans of your own"
Cate says playfully

"Gosh I don't know about that"
You say with a chuckle

"Well you definitely have one"
She says

You begin to say, looking at her

She points to herself funnily

"Oh stop it"
You say with a laugh, giving her a swat

"Hey! I am, I read your fanfics remember"
She says, you can't help but blush
"I read them again when we weren't able to see one another, and let me tell you I came so ma-"
You cut her off with a swat

Your stomach flutters & you gently throb
She says playfully

"Tell me later"
You say, gently biting your lip as you reach the check in desk.

"Passports ladies"
The woman says, you hand her your passports.

Cate leans in, her mouth close to your ear
"So many times"
She says, her eyes watching you intently.
She knows exactly why you said tell you later. You grip Cates leg as your legs shake, you are instantly incredibly wet.
The thump of the woman stamping your passports is just as loud as your heartbeat.
Cates hand gently rubbing your ass.

"Excellent, Gate 5, they're boarding now"
The woman says

"Thank you"
You both say, Cate taking your hand & leading the way.

"I will get you back for that"
You say to her

"Oh sweetheart I had to tell you to convince you that I was really a fan"
She says in a teasing way
"I really am. When I say many times I mean many times"
She says seductively

You stop the both of you walking, turning to her, pressing your body against hers. Your hand running over her chest before gently holding at the very base of her neck
"And I'm going to make you come many more times and much harder. But if you don't stop I'm going to want to do it in public because I'm already so wet. It's been months and all I want to do is fucking rail you. So let's not give Hilda a press mess to clean up hmm?"
You say playfully yet matter of factly

She smirks, her tongue plays inside her mouth. You can tell she's turned on & really thinking of what to say.
"I'll behave."
She says

"Very good"
You say with a smile, you begin walking again, you lead the way this time

"For now"
She adds playfully, holding your hand again
"But that was incredibly hot"
She adds

You finally reach the gate & head to first class.

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