Chapter 1

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Savannah's POV
I was at my locker grabbing my stuff for my first class when I felt a pair of lips against my cheek and then they pull away. I smile to myself. I turn around and I see my boyfriend, Grayson Dolan. He was the cutest thing and i loved him so much. We have been dating for 2 years now, since the beginning of 8th grade, and now it's the beginning of 10th grade. He smiles at me.
"So how's my sunshine?" He asks me.
"She's good." I say turning back to my locker. I look over to my left and I see Ethan Dolan, Grayson's twin brother, making out with some girl. I roll my eyes. He's the biggest FuckBoy I've ever met. He's always bringing a new girl home. It's disgusting.
"You really need to learn how to control your brother." I tell Grayson. He looks over at Ethan and then back at me.
"I tried to tell him to stop, he doesn't listen to me." Grayson says.
"Oh, well should I talk to him about it?" I ask him.
"Nah, I don't want you talking to my brother, he'll find away to hook up with-"
"No he won't gray." I quickly cut him off.
"Just don't talk to him." Grayson says. Aww he was being such a jealous boyfriend, it was kind of cute.
"I'll see you later babe." He says and walks away. I go up to Ethan.
Ethan's POV
I was walking to my class.
"You need to learn how to control yourself, jezz." I heard a girls voice say next to me. I look over to see Savannah or Sav for short. She was Grayson's girl. She was really nice and cute. But I always kept my distance because her and Grayson are a thing. She's the only girl in this school I haven't fucked yet. Last year I got heart broken so many times. 15 to be exact. Everytime my girlfriend would break up with me I would move on. I did it 15 times until I realized it wasn't good for my anxiety and depression I was going through at the time. But ever since I've stayed away from relationships and just hookups I've been pretty happy. I mean not really but at least I'm not heart broken.
"What do you mean?" I ask Sav.
"I mean girls aren't toys, you know that right?" She asks me.
"Of course I know they aren't toys, yet I'm always getting treated like one." I say.
"Ethan, just because you got used last year doesn't mean you can use all these girls." Sav says to me with a pissed look.
"Why do you care!?" I snap at her.
"I don't-"
"Then why are you talking to me!" I yelled at her. That came out wrong.
"Ok, sorry, I didn't mean to disturb the Ethan Dolan!" She snaps back at me and walks away. I sigh.
"You're really good at that." Jack says walking up to me.
"Good at what?" I ask him.
"Good at making girls mad and sad." He says and laughs. I roll my eyes.
"She's just my brothers girlfriend, nobody special." I say to him crossing my arms around my chest.
"Wow thanks, I really appreciate that." I heard a girls voice say behind me. I turn to see Sav.
"Why are you esaevdropping on my conversations?" I ask her.
"I was going to my locker, which is right there, because I forgot something." Sav says pointing at her locker.
"But I guess I came over at the wrong time." She says with a pissed look.
"Savannah look-"
"I'm just your brother's girlfriend, nothing more, so I'll leave you alone. Sorry I thought we were friends!" She snaps at me again and goes to her locker. She opens it and grabs a notebook and then slams it shut. Then she storms off.
Grayson's POV
I watched Sav yell at Ethan. He probably asked her to hook up or something and she got mad at him. She storms off away from him. I go up to him.
"What'd you say?" I ask him.
"Nothing. And before you ask, I didn't ask her to hookup." He tells me. I calm down a little bit.
"Well why did it look like she was mad at you if you didn't say anything to her?" I ask him.
"Well I said she was just my brothers girlfriend and then she over heard and got mad." Ethan says shrugging his shoulders. He really doesn't care about anyone but himself. What a selfish bitch. I roll my eyes.
"You're a fucking selfish bitch, you know that right?" I ask him with a pissed tone in my voice.
"Jezz, what's your problem?" Ethan asks me.
"You're my problem Ethan!! You fucking annoy me and everyone!! How about you go fuck another girl and leave me and Sav alone!!" I yelled at him and stormed away from him.
Savannah's POV
I go to my class and there was only two seats left in the back row. I sit down in one of the spots. The teacher comes in and shuts the door behind him.
"Where is Ethan Dolan?" The teacher asks looking at all the students. I grunt. I have to sit next to him at a table. Then the door opens and there stood messy haired Ethan. He was probably making out with some girl.
"Sorry I'm late." He says, still standing in the doorway.
"It's ok, just please take a seat next to, Miss Hedgings." The teacher says pointing to me. I scoffed.
"Ok." He says and sits next to me. I don't even look at him. He pissed me off.
"Hey." He says to me.
"What do you want?" I ask in a rude tone.
"Jezz, I'm sorry about earlier, can we get over that?" He asks me. I look at him with an, are you serious, look.
"Fuck you." I say and roll my eyes at him.
"Nah, but you can." Ethan says and winks at me. I almost threw up at that comment.
"Ew!! You are disgusting, I have a boyfriend." I say to him with a disgusted face on.
"Haha, it was a joke Sav." Ethan says to me with a warm smile. His smile was nice, it comforted me in some way. I've never seen him smile because he's always so sad but I can see it now. When he hangs out with me he smiles more and it looks good on him. His smile is very nice and welcoming.
"You should smile more often, it looks good on you." I tell him. His smile drops.
"Uhuh." He says looking away from me.
"What's wrong?" I ask him.
"Nothing." He says. What just happened?
"I'm sorry, did I make things awkward?" I ask him.
"Yeah kind of." He says looking back at me with the same smile, I return the smile.
"Sorry." I say.
"It's ok." He says.

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