Chapter 2

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Ethan's POV
Me and Sav were talking the whole class. She was nice to talk too. Then I look over at a group of girls, they giggled. I winked at them. They all started blushing.
"Ew, don't do that." Sav says to me.
"Don't do what?" I ask her.
"Don't wink, it's weird." She says. I wink at her. She rolls her eyes.
"Fuck you, and before you say I can, I don't want too." She says quickly. I laugh.
"You're funny." I say while laughing. Then the bell rings. All the girls go rushing out of the room. I walk out and Sav was behind me. All the girls were by Grayson and talking to him.
Grayson's POV
A bunch of girls started surrounding me.
"Grayson!!" Laila calls.
"What?" I ask her.
"I think Savannah and Ethan were flirting during class today." Laila says to me.
"No way, Sav wouldn't to that." I say rolling my eyes.
"I wouldn't be so sure." Riley says and points over at Ethan and Sav laughing together. What was going on over there!! I storm away from the girls and go by Ethan and Sav.
"Hey Gray-" Savannah starts but u cut her off by punching Ethan in the face. He fell to the ground while holding his face.
"Grayson! Why did you do that!?" Sav yells at me. She grabs his hand and helps him up.
"What the fuck was that for!" Ethan yells at me. I grab his arm and pulls him away from Sav.
"You better stay the fuck away from my girlfriend!!" I yell at him.
"Oh come on Grayson. You know I wouldn't go for her, I was just trying to become friends with your girlfriend because I knew she was coming over more often now." Ethan says, I roll my eyes.
"You can shove your, just want to be friends with her, up my ass!!" I yell at him.
"What?" Ethan asks.
"Just stay as far away from my girlfriend as possible!!" I yell at him again. I'm not letting Ethan get this one too. She's mine and only mine.
"Since when did you get the confidence to talk to me like that! I can beat the shit out of you!!" Ethan yells back at me.
"I'd like to see you try!!" I tell back. Then Sav comes over by us.
"Guys stop." She says. Then Ethan punches me. I punch him back.
"Guys stop!" Sav yells. Ethan kicks me so I kick him as well.
"GUYS STOP!!!" Sav yells really loud. There was a crowd of people starting to form around us. I was pissed so I wasn't just going to stop. We start beating each other up, while other people were cheering,
"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Yeah!!"
I look out of the corner of my non black eye and I saw Sav run away, she looked upset.
"Maybe we should stop." I say backing away from Ethan.
"Why? Is little baby Grayson hurt?" Ethan asks me in a baby voice.
"Shut the hell up dude!! I'm o ly stopping because Sav doesn't want us to fight. Now you go fuck some other slut while I go talk to my girlfriend that I was able to get, but I guess you can't do because your
you're always jumping from girl to girl. " I say and walk away from him. Then I felt my head get slammed against metal. Then I fell to the ground. The last word I heard was a girls cry that yelled,
"Grayson!!" I pretty sure it was Sav. Then everything went black, I couldn't hear anyone or see anything and my head was killing me. I also couldn't feel anything, so I don't know if I'm moving right now or not.
Ethan's POV
I can't believe what I just did. I just slammed my brother against the lockers.
"Grayson!!" Sav yells after him. She runs up to his unconscious body, while crying. Then Sav stands up and looks at me.
"Fuck you!! You are a horrible person!! I hate you so much!! Look what you did to your brother!!" She yells at me. I couldn't move, I just stood there and listened to her yell at me. She was right though, I am a horrible person. I hurt my brother really bad, for now reason at all.
"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to say something!!" Sav yells at me. She looked pissed. I could feel the tears forming but held them back, I can't cry right now. Instead I turn away from Sav and start walking away.
"Ethan!" She calls after me. I kept walking away.
"Where the fuck are you going!?" She yells at me.
"You're right, I'm a horrible person who doesn't need to be here. I did horrible thing, actually I've done so many horrible things through out my life!! You have every right to be pissed at me, and i have every right to be dead." I say to her. Her face changed. She looked sad. I roll my eyes and walk away. She doesn't care, she's like every other girl I've dated. They act like they care but they don't. I walked for a minute, I look back and she was back in the building with Grayson. I walk a bridge that was close to the school. I sit on the edge, and I hung my legs off the side of it. I started crying. I'm such a mess. I fuck all these girls and I thought they helped me but it really didn't. I fucked with all these girls feelings for what? For my happiness and I'm not even happy doing it. Then I get a text.

Faith: Should I come over tonight? I can help you clear your mind 😈❤️

Me: Sure whatever 😒

Faith: Great, see you tonight 😉

Me: Yep

Savannah's POV
It's been about a week. Grayson is good but Ethan isn't. He's been avoiding me and fucking every girl in his sight. He won't even talk to Grayson. Gray says he locks himself in his room and drinks and fucks girls. I'm getting really worried about him, I know I shouldn't be because it isn't my business but I can tell that he's not doing well. I look over to his locker, there he was making out with Faith Conrad. He's been hooking up with her a lot.
Ethan's POV
I pull out of the kiss with Faith.
"Hey, now isn't a good time. I'll talk to you later." I tell her.
"Ok, bye babe." She says. I roll my eyes.
"We aren't dating, so don't call me that." I say to her. She rolls her eyes to and walks away. I then go over to get a drink, I look over at Savannah's locker, she was staring at me. Then she quickly turns around and starts grabbing stuff from her locker. I roll my eyes and take a drink from the bubbuler. Then I walk over by my friends.

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