Chapter 6

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Savannah's POV
I turn around to see one of Grayson's best friends, Nick.
"Nothing." I say.
"It was about the party wasn't it." Nick says.
"No." I quickly respond.
"You two fucked in that room yesterday!!" Nick yells. Then everyone's attention was on us. Grayson walks into the Hall and realizes that all attention was on us. He looks over at me, Ethan and Nick. I was so worried right now. Grayson whispers into someone's ear.
Grayson's POV
"What's going on?" I ask the guy next to me.
"Nick just yelled that Savannah and Ethan fucked last night." The guy tells me. My eyes widen.
"For real?" I ask him.
"I don't know, that's what Nick said." He says. I walk over by them.
"Gray-" Sav starts saying.
"Is it true." I cut her off.
"Is what true?" Ethan asks Grayson.
"Is it true that you two fucked last night!!" I yelled at them.
"Grayson we were both really drunk-" Savannah starts saying. I couldn't believe this.
"What the fuck!!" I yelled at them.
"Gray it was an accident!" Sav yells at me.
"Shove your accident up your ass!! We're through!!" I yelled and started to walk away. I could feel the tears forming.
"Grayson wait!" Sav calls after me.
"Don't!" I yelled.
"Don't what?" She asks me.
"Don't chase after me. Ethan is obviously the one you want." I say, I was crying now.
"No Grayson. I was very drunk, I didn't even know I fucked him until he told me." She defends herself.
"Stop coming up with excuses!! I can tell that Ethan is the one you want!! The way you sneak off with him when you think I'm not watching, the way you two look at each other, the way you can make each other laugh so easily. I was never able to do that with you-"
"I don't want Ethan, gray, I want you." Savannah cuts me off. I turn towards her.
"Stop!! You like me, but you love Ethan!! Everything finally added up. He makes you happy, I put a lot of pressure on you." I say.
"He's a FuckBoy!!" She yells.
"Just because he's a FuckBoy doesn't mean you don't love him." I say calmly.
"I don't love him Gray, i love you." She says, she started crying.
"Stop lying to me and yourself." I say and run away.
Ethan's POV
Why was Grayson saying she loved me? She only fucked me because she was drunk. She turned towards me, she was crying. I quickly acted and I hugged her. She hugged me back.
"I'm sorry Sav." I say to her.
"How could he say that!! I don't love you, all I wanted was to be friends with you. We we're drunk." She says and lays her head on my chest, while still in the hug.
"He doesn't know what he's talking about. He's just upset." I tell her calmly.
"I never meant to cheat." She says.
"I know you didn't Sav." I say.
"I know I shouldn't be blaming my mistake on being drunk but I never meant to cheat, I didn't want too, I couldn't control myself." She tells me.
Savannah's POV
I just shouldn't have gone to that party!! I ruined everything. Then my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled out of the hug with Ethan and looked at the text. I couldn't believe what I was reading. My mouth dropped.
"He's turning into you." I say to Ethan. I hand my phone to Ethan and run away. I was now crying.
Ethan's POV
I looked at the text that Sav got. Why would gray do this to her. He was turning into the old me.

Babee😩❤️: Since you cheated I think it's fair if I tell you I cheated on you twice while in the relationship. With Ashley and Riley. Sorry, not sorry 😑

That was messed up. Sav did it by accident, gray did it on purpose and never told her about it. I quickly ran outside. Sav was in her car crying. I knocked on the passengers seat window. She looked up and rolled down the window.
"I read the text, that's messed up." I say to her. She nods.
"Can I come in?" I ask her. She unlockes the door and I come in. She puts her face back into her hands and starts crying some more. I rub her back.
"It's going to be ok." I say calmly to her. She looks at me and then puts her head on my shoulder.
"I hate myself." She says.
"Woah woah woah, don't hate yourself, you didn't do anything wrong." I say backing her up.
"Yeah he messed up but I can't act like I didn't do anything wrong as well. We were probably in one of our fights that I started and that's probably why he cheated, and I had no good reason to cheat." She says.
"You both messed up and it was a toxic relationship Sav. You disserve better." I tell her.
"More like he disserves better, I started every argument." She says.
"We all make mistakes Sav, take me for example, I fucked so many girls and played with their emotions which was stupid of me and now I'm trying to fix that." I tell her.
"Grayson disserves so much better than me.. I'm a horrible girlfriend." She says. I shake my head no.
"You two are just not good for each other. You both made mistakes, you'll find a better guy, it might take some time to find yourself but you will find that special guy." I say. She smiles at me. She then starts leaning in. She kisses me and I kiss back for some reason. She then pulls out of the kiss.
"Thank you Ethan." She says.
"Yeah, no problem." I say. I was so confused.
"Now I should really go home. School isn't the best place for me right now." She says.
"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow." I say and get out her car. She then drives away.
"Trying to steal my girl aren't you." I hear Grayson say behind me. I turn towards him.
"First she isn't your girl, and second she kissed me so get over it." I say rolling my eyes.
"You need to shut your mouth!!" Grayson snaps at me.
"That's such a middle schooler thing to say." I say while laughing at how stupid he's being.
"Fuck you!!" He yells at me and punches me. I wasn't starting another fight with him, I'm trying to change for Sav.
"Dude stop." I say holding my jaw. He then starts punching and kicking me and I just let him beat me up because I'm not fighting him. I was now on the ground. I saw Grayson's mad face and his fist and a bunch of people coming towards us. That was my last sight before I was knocked out.
Grayson's POV
I pushed Ethan one last time before his eyes shut and two people pulled me off of him.
"Let go of me!! I haven't finished him off!!" I yelled at the two guys holding me back. Then a bunch of girls started trying to wake Ethan up but he wouldn't wake up.
"I think he actually wiped him out!!" I girl yells. Then the principal comes out and calls the ambulance. The boys pull me into a car and start driving me somewhere.
"Where the fuck are we going!!' I yell from the back seat.
"We're bringing you home." One of them says.
"Why!?" I yell at them.
"Because you just beat the shit out of your brother!!" He yells back at me.
"Yeah, i won." He say proudly.
"He wasn't even trying. He let you beat the shit out of him." The other guy says.
"You're just saying that!" I yell at them.
"Are you drunk?" He asks me.
"Yeah, so what?" I ask them in a pissed tone
"We'll talk to you when your not drunk, now let's get you home." He says.

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