Chapter 9

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Grayson's POV
I was at home when someone started knocking on my door. It was probably Ethan, since our parents are never home and neither is Cameron.
"Come in!" I yelled. I was laying on my bed, on my phone. Then Ethan comes in. I figured.
"Hey." I say when he walks in.
"Hey, why did you leave the party?" Ethan asks me.
"I wasn't feeling it. Plus I had homework." I lied.
"Dude, it was really lit. I mean there is still an hour left of you wanna come back. I left to check on you." He says.
"Nah, you can go back. I'll stay home." I say.
"Come on Gray. Get out for once in your life." Ethan says. I roll my eyes.
"Fine. I'll come back but I won't enjoy it." I say.
"You will dude, the part is so dope." Ethan says.
"Don't ever say that again." I say. We both laugh. We go outside. There she was. Sav was sitting in the passengers seat of Ethan's car. I was having second thoughts about coming back.
"I should stay home dude." I say.
"Come on, i just convinced you to come." Ethan begs. I roll my eyes. I look at Sav staring at us and then back at Ethan.
"Oh, I see." Ethan says.
"What?" I ask like I don't know what he's talking about. He didn't catch on, well hopefully not.
"Sav is in the car." Ethan says.
"No, that's not at all the reason. I just don't feel like going back." I lie to him.
"What's taking so long!!" Sav yells from the car.
"Gray won't come!!" Ethan yells back.
"Then let him stay!! We have to get back!!" Sav yells.
"Please dude. It's not the same without you." He says.
"You want to know the real reason I'm not coming!" I raised my voice. I was sick of hiding it now.
"Why?" Ethan asks me.
"Because I'm jealous!!" I blurted out.
"Jealous of wha- oh, me and Sav?" He asks. I nod in embarrassment. Ethan's mouth drops open.
"Well, I mean if you want to stay home, I understand. But let me just tell you, you both messed up and she has moved on. I know that's a stupid thing to say, but she likes-"
"You, i know. I'm not getting in the way of your relationship. You both deserve to be happy." I tell him.
"But you deserve to be happy too." Ethan says.
"Just go have fun at the party. I'll be home if you need me." I say walk back into the house.
Ethan's POV
I walk to my car and get in the seat and start driving. I couldn't believe that Gray still has feelings for Sav.
"Are you ok?" Sav asks me.
"Of course I am, why?" I ask her.
"You just look upset. Is everything ok with you and Grayson?" She asks me.
"Yeah, don't bring up Grayson." I say.
"Oh Ethan, I'm not going back to Grayson, I love you and I always did." She says. I pull over.
"Maybe I should bring you home instead." I say.
"What, why? Please tell me if somethings wrong E." She says worriedly. I look at her.
"Gray still has feelings for you." I say.
"He what!?" She practically yells.
"He just told me, that's why he didn't want to come to the party with us. He's jealous of me and you. I feel bad." Ethan says.
"Oh. Is this your way of telling me we break up?" She asks me. My eyes widen.
"What!? No." I say.
"Then why does it matter if Grayson still likes me?" She asks me.
"Because he's my brother, and the more he sees me with you the more jealous he's going to get. I'm just worried what's going to happen. What happens if he turns into an fuckboy like I was." I say getting worried.
"Don't worry babe. I know Grayson, he knows better than that." Sav says.
"But what if he can't control himself. It happened to me, I wanted to stop but if I stopped I felt alone and depressed. What I'd gray feels that way!?" I start freaking out.
"Ethan!? Calm down. You're thinking of the worst possible. Everything's going to be ok. Let's go back to my place. We can cuddle on the couch and watch some movies, does that sound good?" She asks me.
"Yeah sure." I say and start driving to her place.

We finally make it. We both get out of the car and go inside. Her mom was in the kitchen.
"Hi sweetheart, hello random guy in my house?" Her mom asks.
Savannah's POV
I roll my eyes at my mom. I started talking to her again yesterday but I'm still upset with her.
"Who are you?" My mom asks him.
"My name is Ethan." He says to her.
"I believe we never met, I'm Savannah's mom, and you are Savannah's boyfriend?" She asks him. I scoff.
"Come on Ethan. Mom could you please not." I say rolling my eyes at her.
"I'll take that as a yes, you kids have fun, and use protection." My mom says to us. I roll my eyes.
"Ew, your disgusting." I say.
"Don't tell me you haven't already fucked him." My mom says. I look at Ethan with and embarrassed look. He seemed really uncomfortable.
"Bye mom." I say going upstairs with Ethan. We go into my room and close the door.
"Sorry about her." I say to Ethan.
"It's fine. I mean she wasn't wrong. We are dating and we did-"
"But it was an accident." I say quickly.
"Well this time it won't be." Ethan says and quickly smashes his lips against mine. He pushes me against the door. Then someone started knocking on the door. I pull out of the kiss and open the door.
"Yes Mom?" I ask her.
"I heard a loud noise, I was checking on you guys." My mom says.
"I just dropped something, now would you mind." I say to her.
"Oh my goodness, did I interrupt your kiss?" My mom asks. I roll my eyes. I close my door and lock it.
"Don't be to loud!!" My mom yells and walks away.
"She is such a pain in the ass sometimes." I say.
"Yeah, now where were we?" Ethan asks and puts his lips back on mine. We go over to the bed. We strip and that was what happened.

I was awoken by a loud banging sound. Me and Ethan both look at each other. It was morning.
"Time to wake up kids!! Open the door!!" My mom calls. I get up, I was naked. I quickly put on a t-shirt and some short shorts. Ethan got changed too. Then I opened the door.
"Good morning love birds." My mom says. Today was a Saturday.
"I'll see you on Monday Ethan." I say.
"Yeah, bye b- Sav." He quickly changes what he was about to say and leaves. I walk away from my mom standing in my doorway.
"So, is he any good?" My mom asks me.
"What do you mean?" I ask her.
"You know." She says. I roll my eyes.
"Why are you asking me this?" I ask her.
"I'm your mom, i deserve to know." My mom says. We both sit down on my bed.
"Well I guess, he's good." I say with a weird face. This was very awkward to talk about this with my mom.
"When was your first?" My mom asks.
"Um, it was an accident." I tell my mom.
"Oh, when was it?" My mom asks.
"Well it was at a party." I say awkwardly.
"Oh." My mom says.
"Yeah, it was a few weeks ago." I say.
"Who was it?" My mom asks.
"Ethan." I say.
"Oh, why was it an accident if he's your boyfriend?" My mom asks me.
"Me and Ethan weren't dating at the time. I was actually with his brother Grayson." I say embarrassedly.
"Oh, that's not good." My mom says.
"He cheated first, and he never told me until he found out about the thing with Ethan. Then me and Grayson broke up. Me and Ethan started dating yesterday night at the party. I told him I developed feelings for him because we were spending a lot of time together, he told me he felt the same and now here we are." I tell her.
"Well that's good." My mom says.
"I also found out that Grayson still has feelings for me but I've moved on. Ethan feels bad because Grayson has to watch me and Ethan being a couple at school and it's going to break him. He's afraid he's going to turn into an f-boy." I say.
"Yikes." My mom says.
"Yeah. Just drama. It's not important.' I say.
"Well I hope everything goes well, and I'm always open to talk if you need it." My mom says with a smile. I smile back at her.
"I love you Mom." I say for the first time in a while.
"I love you too Savannah." My mom says and walks out of my room.

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