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Hello guys! I'm back with another book. This book is actually in the same world as A Story to Tell. Despite this, you do not have to read it. But, of course, I do advise you to read it because it is really good. I might be a little biased, tho. 

Another reason why you should read it is because their story will not be over with this book. Their story will continue to flourish in the planned A Story to Tell: Season 2. So of course, if you read A Story to Tell: Season 1, and you love this story, then the second book in ASTT might make more sense and will be more enjoyable if these characters are gonna be in it 😏😉.

This book is also copyrighted, so if I find my works stolen, you are liable to consequences.

All Rights Reserved

The publishing or public use of this book is not permitted without permission from the owner of this book. This includes photocopying, recording, writing, or electronically downloading or copying of the book without written permission of the author except for the use of critical reviews and possible other noncommercial uses that are permitted by copyright law. People in violation of this copyright law will be prosecuted following court. If you would like to receive permission to use this book contact the author(me) at the email address

Now that we've covered that, I would like your guy's opinion on this world. What should I have more of? What should I have less of? Are there any specific character types you would like to see in this book or any other ASTT universe books? Any certain bad guy you want? Any unique conflict or pickle they get in that you want?  Any suggestions you have I will gladly consider. Whatever zombie book ideas you have that have been previously rejected or not thought of in major zombie franchises can live in my books.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story and please consider checking out any of my other books, including Finding my Heart which is in in the process of being finished on here and edited for publishing (the unedited version will stay on here, but the edited one will be better.)

The first chapter will be posted by the end of the week by the way. :)

Please comment, vote, share, and add to your library if you're interested! Any support is helpful.


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