Chapter Five

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Kali was back to her normal self this morning with only a quick mention of last night's phone call. She mostly wanted to interrogate me about Finn again and ignore everyone else around us. I managed to fight her off but now that I'm in Chemistry, I wish I had played my own worst-case scenarios.

I choose a stool, begin taking out my things, and once again, avoid looking at the door.

"Can I sit here?"

Finn is standing next to the stool sharing my table. He's wearing a black hoodie with CC Tigers written boldly across the front and best of all is the way he's looking at me. "Sure," I say.

After I'm done taking out my notebook, books, and pencil, I have no choice but to look at him. He's leaning forward, hands in his sweatshirt pockets and grinning at me.

"So. You thought about it?"


Finn blushes and I feel a little stupid for not understanding. I jump in before he can fill in the blanks. "Right. Forgiveness. Being friends. Got it."

"Yeah that stuff."

He fidgets in his stool. I realize he's nervous and it's because of me. My breath catches in my throat but it's not panic. He's waiting for an answer.

"I have thought about it and I don't think it's a bad idea."

Keeping his gaze is hard. I remember loving his eyes before but in a very middle-school way. Now it feels like I can't look away when he catches my glance.

"But not a good idea?" he says.

I prop my head on my hand and really look at him. He blushes. Again. "I didn't say that."

He pulls his fingers through his hair. "My mom talked to me last night, so I wasn't sure."

There goes my sudden burst of confidence. "Oh boy," I say.

"Yeah. So, you were pretty upset?"

I refuse to give him more information that he already has. I might kill my mom. "What did she tell you?"

Finn has the consideration to not smile when he recites what she said.

"She said your mom talked to her and that you were mad at me for a while and I was a dick. My mom's words not yours. She said you have no reason to forgive me."

At least she didn't say anything about me crying since my mom spilled about that too. I'd have to send a thank you card to Carissa.

"I like how much work you're putting into this. Why are you?"

He smirks at me and somehow, I don't hate it anymore. "I like you. And Kali. I know I'm different but so are you two, but I want to be friends again."

He said Kali too. Not just me. No reason for my heart to start beating this quickly.

"I think that's not a terrible idea. We'll have to ask Kali though. She can be pretty difficult."

He nods and the teacher interrupts our conversation. I turn my attention to her but notice when Finn slides his arm closer to mine.

Kali and I sit down at the lunch table without any sight of Finn.

"You going to make it today?" I ask.

Kali takes a bite of her mystery casserole and nods. When I wait for more, she swallows and says, "I don't know but I think it will be fine." She rubs her arm but she does seem steady.

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