Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Future-me is today-me and I cannot deal with it.

I'm tempted to skip school that day but can't because one: if I don't show up, Finn will wonder what's going on and since I didn't answer his call, I'm already in for it. Two: Kali will find a way to come to my house and force me to talk to her. And finally, reason number three: my mom personally dropped me off in front of the school for the first time since ninth grade when I got my bike and could ride the distance alone.

"You can do this Teagan!" she says and practically launches me from the car. When I turn around and glare, she fist-pumps at me and then drives off. Thanks, mom.

Since I was dropped off, I miss the breakfast window and go straight to homeroom. I take a deep breath before walking in ready to be bombarded by questions from Finn.

Today feels like the first day except I know Finn will be here. I fiddle with my pencil and glance between my phone and the door. Right as the bell rings, he slips inside and sits next to me. I catch his eye, and he nods his head then faces forward.

It wasn't a blow-off but there was no beaming smile either. I wonder if this has to do with his Instagram photo that I never asked about. That I forgot about until right now. Ms. Visini never gives us a chance to have a private conversation and I'm grateful. When the bell rings again, we both stand up. I put my backpack on and he shoves his hands deep into his pockets. I'm not the only one being weird here.

"Hey Finn," I start. "I never asked you about your trip. I have a lot to talk to you about. Sorry." It's lame. I know it is and I feel a blush but Finn doesn't seem phased.

He gives me the same smile I loved. I try to return it. "It's okay." He says it but I wonder if it's true. Finn pulls his hand through his curls. "Can we talk later? I mean, after school? I won't be at lunch."

"Sure," I say but he's already running through the door.

The periods up until lunch are both Finn and Kali free. I spot Kali for a moment in the hallways but turn around and rush the opposite direction. I'm sure I won't be so lucky as I was with Finn.

When someone does wave at me, I can't help but let my shoulders drop and smile for what felt like the first time today.

It's Imari, grinning from ear to ear, hand in hand with Elliot. This is enough to shake me from my own worries and stare at their joined hands and then up to their faces.

Imari shoots me a thumbs up and mouths "we're together!"

I give him my own huge smile and return the thumbs up. Elliot looks back to Imari and to who he's looking at. When he sees me, he gives me his easy smile. He gently tugs Imari's arm and rolls his eyes, but I see him squeeze his hand.

Instead of braving the cafeteria for lunch, I bolt to the library.

When I walk in, I feel safe. The quiet is comforting and no one seems to be around. That safety net lasts thirty seconds. "Hey Teagan!" I hear someone call.

Sienna is waving from a table near the fiction section. I nod and go to walk past her. "I've been checking out your Instagram and your boyfriend's," she calls again.

I turn back to look at her. She has that same grin she sported when she told me Finn was back on the first day of school. She must have seen Finn's picture with another girl.

"Great," I say and continue walking. I'm not answering any of her prying questions.

I find a table and spread out my homework in front of me.

Footsteps are softened by the carpeted floor but they pause behind me. I keep my eyes on the email but feel someone looming over me. When I don't turn around, I hear "Teagan."

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