Chapter Eight

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My lips still feel swollen after last night, but it only helps my mood. A notification pops up on my phone: a snap from Finn. His hair is messy and his face is still pressed to a pillow. Hey beautiful. Woke up thinking about you.

I cheat by combing my fingers through my hair and throwing a blanket up to my eyes. I snap him back saying Thinking about you too but I don't think I'm awake yet.

I push the blanket off and walk downstairs thankful that my parents are already out of the house. If they saw me, they would instantly know how last night went. They weren't able to quiz me when I got home and it looks like I'll have a few more minutes of keeping this to myself. I pull my books out of my bag to start a Sunday homework session since I couldn't focus yesterday. I don't have much hope for today either but I can try.

My phone buzzes again. It's a snap of pancakes with the caption: still not as sweet as you. Can't believe I have to wait 20 hours until I see you again.

I go to Kali's snapchat and send her a picture of my bedhead and the wild smile on my face. Finn and I kissed last night!!!!!!!!! I'm distracting my teenage grossness with homework today but I will NEED to talk to you tomorrow. *screaming forever*

She sends a video right back. She has a wide smile and yells: "I knew it!"

This time I do put my phone down and switch it to silent so I can try and get some work done.

I've finished my communications reading and outlining by the time my mom walks in through the door with a cup of coffee in each hand.

"Latte?" she offers.

"Thanks." I grab one of the cups and take a sip of the foam. I flip my planner open and check one of the tasks from my list.

She leans over my shoulder and reads the unchecked boxes. "College applications soon?"

As if she can't see the words written carefully in purple pen (thanks Kali) at the end of my list. It's at the end but it exists.

I close the planner and turn toward her. "I have a plan to work on them next week with Kali and Finn. We're going to read over each other's essays."

It feels differently saying Finn's name now. I feel just as nervous but now somehow certain?

"Right. Finn," she says. Her eyes twinkle. "How did that go last night?"


She leans across the counter invading my limited personal space. "Teagan give me something. I'm dying here."

So dramatic.

And yet, I can't help but smile as I tell her about the ice cream place, our talk about schools, and finally our kiss.

"This is so adorable," she says. Her cheeks are pink with excitement. Honestly. "You two were such good friends when you were little. It's like out of a storybook. Carissa and I always talked about how we might have each other's kids as in-laws someday." She says the last part with a long sigh and looks dreamily over my shoulder.

"Mom! Can you not?"

"Sorry, sorry, sorry," she apologizes. I start stacking my books back up. "I didn't mean to rush you but think about how cute your prom pictures will be!"

Instead of responding to this I ask her where dad is.

"Basketball." This does seem to take her attention off from me. "I swear he doesn't realize he's in his forties. He's going to break something."

"He turned forty last month. It's not like he's elderly."

She picks up her coffee and walks over to her desk. "I feel like we are sometimes. Is it okay if I work over here? I have some students to get back to."

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