Chapter Fourteen

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Finn and I are horizontal on his bed when his phone goes off. He groans against my mouth and grabs it, one hand wrapped around my waist. "Text from Spence. Wondering when we're coming."

I give him one last kiss and then wriggle from under his arm and sit up. "Then I need to get ready."

He groans again but lets me up from my bed. My parents are hardly home and we enjoyed the privacy for obvious reasons.

I'm only a little disappointed that tonight we ended up doing what we usually do. I meant to tell him I love him tonight. Even after what happened on Tuesday with Kali, I knew telling him how I feel is the best choice. When I went to say it, I got distracted. Something about Finn's hands, bare skin, and mouth.

It takes me fifteen minutes to apply all the makeup including glitter. Kali was right. It makes a huge difference and my eyes look huge. I consider my hair and then pull out the elastic. I push it behind my shoulders and pull up the hood of the sweater. The loose pieces tickle my nose but I leave it anyway and walk back to Finn.

His eyes are round when he sees me and he grins. "Whoa," he says.

I laugh. "Whoa yourself."

He has three black foam noodles attached to each side of his back and is dressed in black pants and a black shirt.

"I know, right?" he says and smiles, hands on his hips.

I bat at one of the foam noodles and he knocks my hand away. "I don't think anyone else will have this couple's costume, so I guess that's good."

Finn looks at me with a pretend hurt expression on his face. "You don't think I look great? I think you look great."

He leans over and kisses me on the cheek, a hand on my waist. I tickle his side between the foam appendages. "You're something. Let's go."

We get into his car and arrive at the party ten minutes later. There are already cars packed in the driveway. Spence lives on the outskirts of town making parties like this doable. Tents are pitched for people who are okay dealing with the cold and plan on not being able to drive later.

I get out and we walk through the door. "Finn! What the hell are you?!" I hear someone call from the living room.

Spence's house is huge and packed. It's one of those remodeled farm houses with a lot of airy space and wood floors. At least twenty people are in his living room and I hear people below my feet in the basement.

Luke comes out and grabs Finn's hand moving into an awkward bro-hug because of the foam. I let go of his other hand.

"And you," Luke says to me. His eyes linger on the skin at my waist and cleavage. Great. "You look good. Who are you?"

"Spider-Gwen?" I say. He doesn't seem to care.

Luke gives me an easy smile that immediately draws a grimace from me and he winks at Finn. "Come watch the game man, it's crazy." He walks back into the living room where people are camped around a huge screen. I roll my eyes but nod to Finn hoping to see him later. I watch him take a beer and sit down.

Feeling awkward, I look around for a familiar face. I spot a fluffy brown tail down a hallway and I follow it.

"Teagan!" Kali squeals and leans forward.

I give her a hug and notice her face is red and she looks a little frantic. Uh-oh. "You okay?"

"Not at all."

I pull her by the wrist and into a room that has a washer and dryer in it and more importantly, has no people.

"Breathe," I instruct.

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