Chapter Twenty

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Even with all of the drama of November, December passes by without any hiccups. Kali and I move Tuesday evenings to our favorite café to avoid our parents. They've been in a holiday frenzy and asking about college more and more. Those Tuesdays are more frequently filled with conversation about Matea. Even though I promised to get to know Matea, somehow it hasn't happened yet. I have no classes with her and when she's free, she's usually in Kali's arms. I plan to talk to her at the New Year's Eve party where we might get a few minutes without Kali or Finn.

Finn and I do not revisit the sex subject but every time we're alone it's clear the topic is on both of our minds. We also send out our college applications, nerves jumping. Seth sends me SOS message when Imari is getting too gushy about Elliot and I keep him sane via text through those particular sessions.

On the first day of our Winter holiday break, Finn and I are cuddled up on the couch at my house. My parents are up in their room giving us space for once. His house is deserted but I'm not ready to even risk running into his mom.

I snake my hand up the front of his shirt, satisfied when I hear a hitch in his breath. He kisses the top of head and when I look up, he kisses me gently. I go in for a deeper one, but he pulls back and whispers, "Can I give you your present?"

"You already gave me them," I say and take my hand out of shirt when he leans down to open up his backpack.

We traded presents with my parents before they gave us privacy. I gave him a video game he's been asking for and a teddy bear. He also gave me a teddy bear along with chocolates and pajama pants.

Finn sits up with a small box wrapped in a neat, red bow. "This is one I didn't want to give to you in front of your parents." He sets it on my lap.

I undo the ribbon and open the box where a silver heart lays on a delicate chain. I flip the heart over to read "Finn."

"Oh, this is beautiful," I say.

He kisses the side of my head.

"Can you put it on me?" I turn around so he can clasp the necklace. His name lays on my chest while the heart points outward. I love it.

I snuggle into the crook of his arm again. "I've been thinking," I start. My heart pounds in my ears. I run my fingers against the couch watching the fabric move back and forth.

He squeezes me tighter. "Yeah?" he prompts.

"About what we were talking about before you left for Thanksgiving break. Do you remember?"

I feel him swallow. "I do," he says and his voice cracks.

I shift a bit, laying my head on his chest. "My parents go to this huge party on New Year's Eve and the house will be empty. I want to go to Spence's party for sure but I was thinking afterwards..."

"Yeah?" he repeats. I can hear the excitement in his voice.

"That we could come back here. I want you to be prepared first though but if you're still interested."

He hugs me close to him. "Uh yes. I am definitely interested."

I giggle despite my nerves. "Okay then. Now you have to go to your family holiday and think about that the whole time."

"I'll find a way to deal with it." He smirks. "And I always have you to talk to."

I laugh again and hold my new necklace.

"Hello Kali! How have you been?" I hear my mom say from downstairs. I finish the page I'm reading and close the book, putting it on my side table. I consider putting Finn's necklace back on, but I leave it on the side table. I noticed it dangling in my dinner last night. No use getting pizza sauce on it.

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