Chapter Nine

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I'm sitting at a picnic table in the courtyard running my finger against the wooden grain. In an effort to not keep watching for Finn and having my heart burst out of my chest every time someone even remotely male walks by, I've committed to only watching the table. Kali thought it would be a good idea for me to show up by myself so I could figure out what today looks like with Finn, but now I wish I argued more. I feel like I need her eyes so I can relax marginally.

Someone walks by and then slows down. I keep watching my fingers dance across the table just in case. When he sits down, hip touching mine, I look up.

My heart melts at Finn's grin. "Hi Teagan."

His blonde curls are damp from a post workout shower and I can smell the body wash he used, happy that it's a light and clean scent. It only makes me want to lay my head on his shoulder and breathe him in.

I smile back, afraid to speak just in case I say more than I mean to.

"So," he starts, "Saturday was amazing."

My face remains impassive despite the tingly feeling I have coursing through my body. "So..." I start.

"Wow," he says but his smile doesn't slip. He wraps his long fingers around my tapping ones. "I have to say it all? Okay, I want to do it again."

"All of it?"

He doesn't respond but leans in and parts my lips with his. I lift my hand to his shoulder, pulling him in. "Yeah," he says, breaking the kiss.

I am beyond ready to be with Finn. After I left Kali's, it was torture thinking about coming into school today and Finn not saying anything. I wanted to find him and ask where we stood so I didn't have to wait, but the payoff is worth all the wondering.

He stands and pulls me up with him. Finn wraps one arm around my body and pulls me close for one more delirious kiss. After he gives me one of his smiles and I lay my head against his chest for a moment.

"Yeah, yeah," I hear behind me. Finn doesn't drop my hand when I shift to move next to him. Kali skips up from the bike rack, bag slung over one shoulder. "You two are cute. Hashtag made for each other and all that." She skips over and pokes Finn in the chest. "We still hanging out at lunch? I have to intimidate you or something like that. It's my duty as a best friend."

"I'll be ready," Finn says.

Kali waves at the both of us and winks at me before going off to her locker and we continue our walk to first period. A few people see us and I even get glares from a number of girls. Not that I'm there to make people jealous, but a feeling of pride fills my chest. Even Imari shakes his head at me.

I can get used to this.

When I get out of fourth period, Kali isn't waiting at my locker for me. I give up and head down the stairs to the cafeteria to find her and Finn already sitting with their lunches.

I watch them from the lunch line and see them talk and hear Kali laugh. It would have been awful if they hated each other and I'm grateful that their friendship made it through all of Finn's poor choices.

When I sit down, Finn is in the middle of telling a lame joke. Kali doesn't laugh.

"Kali?" he says

I nudge him when I sit down and roll my eyes.

"It was a bad joke, Finn. Why would she laugh?"

He puts his hand on my thigh under the table. A blush creeps over my cheeks. "She was laughing a second ago, so maybe it's you."

I tear my eyes away from his to see if Kali can determine the winner. She's staring over my shoulder, panic in her eyes.

"Kali?" Finn tries again and shifts to follow Kali's stare. "Oh."

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