Chapter Sixteen

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"We're going to do a family dinner tonight Teagan."

I look up from my book. My mom is standing in my doorway, arms crossed looking more serious than seems right for dinner. "Do we not usually?"

"Not on Saturday nights. You and Finn don't have any plans, right?"

I shake my head. Finn's soccer ended and hockey is only in practices right now. Finn is currently bonding with his teammates over a basketball game and snacks.

"Good," she nods. "Family dinner in twenty minutes."

Uh-oh. Family dinners usually meant there is something to be discussed. The discussions never seemed to be anything I enjoyed talking about and judging by her expression, I would really hate what this one was about.

I finish up the chapter I'm on and put my book on my desk. I look at my phone but the screen is empty. Kali is out with Matea. Imari and Seth are doing who knows what. I leave my phone on the desk too since family dinners do not include phones. I walk downstairs.

My dad is seated at the table and my mom is grabbing the last dish to put down. I sit down too. It's not like we never have dinners together as a family, but my mom never comes up to proclaim those to me. There are ulterior motives here.

"Teagan. How's school?" my dad asks, folding his hands together.

"Good," I say, filling my plate and avoiding my mom's stare. "Finn and I have been working on our college applications."

"That's good to hear."

The table goes silent and the tension is thick. I try my best to push off the inevitable. "How's work going dad?"

"Boss is on my case again, but aren't they always. You'll learn about that soon enough. You want a job in college, right?"


Ugh. I can see where this is going.

My mom is eating her risotto with focus. I follow her lead until she puts her fork down and says, "Teagan, we wanted to talk to you about college tonight."

I look at my dad and confirm this is a 'we' thing. He looks just as serious. Great.

I jump ahead of the conversation before they can get specific. "I've applied to the three schools I told you about. The guidance counselor seems confident that I'll get into my first two and my third is a good chance. I've been looking at scholarships too and I think I can get those for the one I want to go to. I know it's expensive but I'll help make it work. I want to get a job there too so I can pay for some of my food."

They knew that Kali and I plan to go to the same school but if I talk about that anymore, they'll ask if going with my best friend is a good idea. My mom wavers on that point and whether it's the best for me. I'm not letting her make the decision on which school I'll be living in for the next four years.

My explanation doesn't matter anyway; my mom does not look swayed by my words.

"Sounds like you have a good plan, Teagan," my dad chimes in and then scoops up a large portion of risotto.

I acknowledge him with a small smile but turn back to my mom whose fingertips are against her forehead.

"It is a good plan," she says and I swallow because there's more coming. "What we're wondering is where Finn fits into all of this."


My face warms up and I stare at my food. I take another bite. My dad's face is also a little red and he plays around with his fork. My mom on the other hand looks as cool as a cucumber, hands folded on the table next to her empty plate.

"Um we've talked about that a little."


I swallow and just go for it. Keeping it from them will just make them jump to conclusions and annoy me more about it.

"He's planning on attending Ithaca College in the Fall. He might get a scholarship there for soccer or hockey but I'm not sure which one. He'll be forty-five minutes away so we're thinking about staying together. We'll be able to focus on our schoolwork but still make the trip occasionally. I know college is busy, but I think we can manage to do it. I like to plan and I'm not going to let our relationship ruin school."

I expect my mom to smile and say that's responsible or something and my dad call an end to the conversation and move on. Instead, she is still looking at me, her eyes inquisitive, and her mouth a straight line.

"There's no polite way to say this and I know it will seem like I'm trying to give you unwanted advice, but I am not going to let you go off blindly." I look over at my dad who at least seems sympathetic. I focus on him instead while listening to her.

"You and Finn might not make it to college together. As a couple I mean. I want you to be prepared and not wrecked at the end of the school year. It's hard to break up before school. I'm not saying you will," she says at the look I must have given her, "but I want you to be prepared."

There's a lump in my throat and my hands start to shake. "Why are you telling me this?" I think about her and Carissa talking and a pit forms in my stomach.

She tucks her hair behind her ear and leans forward trying to get me to meet her eyes. I can't anymore; I'm positive I'll cry. "Right now, everything seems fine between the two of you. Serious even. What I'm worried about is how hard it already is to graduate and leave your friends. Ending a relationship in all of that is hard to handle. I want you to know that your father and I are here for you no matter what. I also want you to know that if you want to end things with Finn that is okay and you have no responsibility to stay with him because you don't want to ruin his Senior year. I'm being honest with you Teagan. I do not think you want to do that and I do not think Finn wants to break up with you either. We're telling you this now so you have it in the back of your mind."

I close my eyes as tears prick at the back of them. "Seriously?"

My dad looks at his hands but my mom is still focused on me.

"I'm going to my room."

I push up from the table. My mom stands too. "Teagan we're trying to help."

I feel so stupid. I know they want to help, but I've known this and I can't believe they would think I'm that clueless to not realize we might not stay together. "You don't know if we'll break up or stay together so why talk about it?" I shout this and my mom steps back. "Leave us alone, okay? I'll let you know if we break up and I thought we had a perfectly good plan. You can't tell me how to feel."

"Don't shout at us, Teagan. We know what it's like-"

"Stop!" I haven't yelled at my parents like this since tenth grade? Maybe? "We're doing fine. I'm not having this conversation. I'll let you know what schools I get into but I don't need relationship advice from my parents."

I leave them there and stomp up to my room feeling both angry and very, very stupid. 

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