Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"My dad is ruining my life. Do I sound like an angsty teen?"

Kali has her head buried on the cafeteria table in her arms, refusing her food. When Finn doesn't answer first, I kick her ankle.

"You are an angsty teen," I say.

She doesn't laugh but looks up, glaring, until my smile slips. "Seriously. He's decided we only get the weekend together and I'm leaving for school soon so starting next month, every weekend is his. I can have people over, but we commit to family dinner. Do you know what this is going to do to my social life?"

Finn laughs and I elbow him. "You two haven't hung out in weeks," he points out. "And you're not dating so...."

"So, being stuck at my dad's every weekend is going to make my dating life more successful?" she snaps back. "I don't think so. That's not a good way to get him to see reason because he doesn't think I need a girlfriend. So, what that means is the three of us are going to hang out this weekend."

Finn shakes his head and my body tenses. "What?" I ask.

"Can't," he says. He grimaces. "I was going to tell you. My mom's flying us out to Colorado Wednesday. She wants me to visit the university there before sending in my acceptance to the school here."


Kali crosses her arms and looks at the floor. I ignore her. "I thought you told her you wanted to go to Ithaca?"

He ruffles the back of his hair. "I did! But she's right. I really liked that school last year and they have a good biology program. If that's okay with you?"

I realize I sound like a crazy girlfriend and considering my conversation with Seth last weekend, I have no business being controlling. "Of course, it is," I insist. Honestly, the more I think about it, it feels more okay. I try not to put together what this means. "I'm not going to be the girlfriend who keeps you here. I'm only surprised that you let your mom win this one."

"She didn't win." Finn doesn't meet my eyes, but his bottom lip sticks out.

I reach out to him and he grabs my hand. "Sorry. She- Well you can let me know how it goes."

Kali is watching us and when I see her, I blush. "Sorry," I say to her too.

"I guess it will be just you and me then!" she says. She has a forced smile, but her eyes are lit up.

I bite my lip and look at my feet. She knocks me with her shoulder. "Come on Teagan. We haven't spent a weekend together in weeks and this will be our last chance for a while."

When I look up, she's hopeful. "You're making it sound like we're not going to the same school next year." I see her smile slip and quickly finish it up with: "Of course. Are we doing Tuesday too?"

She smiles and cocks her head at me. I throw my hands up. "Great. Double Kali and Teagan time."

My smile is genuine and I see hers soften. My stomach does the cartwheel thing again and I look away. Finn squeezes my hand and I squeeze his back wondering how long I can really let this go on.

Tuesday with Kali doesn't happen. I wake up that morning and feel off. I'm not sure how off until I'm throwing up my cheerios.

"Oh honey," my mom says pressing her hand onto my forehead. "You have a fever. Do you feel like you're going to be sick anymore?"

"No," I mutter. "I'm dizzy when I walk around and I'm freezing."

She brings out some of the blankets from my closet and sets a gallon of water and a box of saltines next to my bed. "Are you absolutely positive you don't want me to stay?"

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