Chapter 4- Memories

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Claire pov
I've just woke up and have a slight hangover. Caty is still snoring like mad beside me with her mouth wide open.

I shake my eye and chuckle quietly trying not to wake her up. As I lay back getting comfy that's when I start thinking about stuff

Flash back freshman year
So I had my first kiss a few days ago and it just happened to be mark. Who is this gorgeous guy I met at school I've only known him under a week. Now I have a huge crush on him which is such a girl thing to do ugh!

I can't help it though he is such a nice guy, caring, always makes me laugh every time I see him and also causes butterflies in my stomach every time he looks into my eyes. I'm walking along the school hall in a world of my own not paying any attention to anyone. Suddenly I felt someone's arms around me pulling me into what looks like the janitors room.

"Wha..." before I could finish I head him speak.

"Hey it's just me" mark says

"Mark you ass! You gave me a fucking heart attack" I slap his arm lightly making him laugh

"I'm sorry I just wanted to see you" he whispers spinning me around to face him.

"Why?" I whisper back

"So I can do this" he says before leaning forward and kissing me on the lips lightly which quickly ended up in us making out with each other no dirty stuff though just kissing. I pull back slightly to catch my breathe.

"Will you be mines?" He mumbles against my neck.

"W-What?" I stutter making him chuckle against my neck that caused a shiver to run through my body.

Hot damn why do I keep getting these weird feelings when I'm near this boy?

"Claire will you be my girlfriend?" He asks with a smile looking right into my eyes.

"Yes"I smile back before leaning in to kiss him again. I wrap my arms around his shoulder and put my hand in his hair gripping onto it a little which made him groan then pull back.

"We should stop" he whispers

"Why?" I ask confused. But then he pushes himself forward a little letter me feel something on my leg causing my eyes to go wide and blush.

"That's why" he says and his voice sounds deeper.

What the hell

I need to get out of here.

"Oh..Oh, Uh....Uhm" I cant get anything out what I'm trying to say making him laugh.

"Sorry I guess it got a little excited. I've not had that happen before. Well since you were my first kiss" he says rubbing his neck looking embarrassed

"Really?" I ask shocked

"Yes why do you sound so shocked?" He smirks

"Well I mean your hot, really really hot so of course I thought you would've kissed someone before but you were my first kiss too. I seriously thought because how hot you are you would've kissed someone" I ramble on not even realising what I'm saying.

"So you think I'm hot?" He bites his bottom lip trying to stop himself from smiling but he is totally failing.

"Uh..yeah. okay gotta go bye" I shout then rush out and run to class. I can hear him laughing from the janitors cupboard behind me.

Omg I'm a total embarrassment

Flashback over

He brought that up for weeks before he would forget about it and stop embarrassing me. I smiling while thinking of that but then it quickly drops when I remember how we are now.

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