Chapter 16-Date night

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Mark Pov
I can't help but be fucking nervous, I shouldn't be because it's Claire but I really fucking am.

"Ready" she smiles that beautiful smile.

"Okay don't move I will get you out" I tell her then climb out the car.

Walking around the car and opening the trunk getting the picnic basket out I then walk to her door opening it to help her.

"Okay mind watch your head" I tell her helping her climb out.

"Thank you" she says sweetly

"Your welcome baby" I kiss her head

It's funny how the only times I've been so affectionate and used pet names has been with this girl. Not once through our four years apart did I call a girl anything other than her name well actually there was a couple I accidentally called Claire but that's a story for another time.

The point is when your with a girl you seriously love your completely different with her than what you are with anyone else.

"Mark if I fall then I'm taking you with me" she giggles making me laugh.

"That's fine but your not going to fall I've got you." I say putting my arm around her to guide her.

I'm taking her to our special place because we used to love having our dates here it always meant more. I decorated it with led lights with the help from the boys. Made a picnic and set a little table up. I set a little corner up that has lights around it and some pictures of us hanging around it but I'm showing her that at the end.

"Almost there baby"

"Okay" she says with a big smile.

After another 20 steps we finally come to a stop.

"Okay stay here and no peeking please. Just give me 1 minute" I tel her nervously

"It's fine take your time. I promise I won't peek" she says squeezing my hand.

Walking over to the table I pull out all the food I packed into it which is just a mixture of our favourite foods and soda. Once Ive took it all out and look around to make sure it looks okay then walk back to Claire.

"Okay you can look now" I say

She takes the sleep mask off her face and blinks a few times looking at my face fixing her eyes.

"Why are you nervous?" She whispers wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Because I love you and I just want it to be special. I still can't believe I had you back" I whisper wrapping my arms around her also.

"Mark I love you too. Stop worrying as long as it's with you it's going to be special" she smiles softly looking into my eyes showing me that she is being honest.

"Ok now you can look" I smile stepping away from her.

I watch as she gasps and her eyes widen looking around.

"Wow" She whispers

"Do you like it?" I ask nervously

"No...mark I love it" she says and turns to me letting me see her eyes with tears in them as one rolls down her face.

"Why are you crying?" I ask

"This is beautiful, this means so much too me. Thank you mark" she says kissing me.

"Your welcome baby now let's go eat" I smile taking her over to her chair.

"How about we play 20 questions then we will find out if anything has changed with us. But instead of answering for ourselves we will answer for each other?" she asks as we eat

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