Chapter 3- Older girlfriend

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Claire pov
"Hey you okay?" Stevie says walking up to me cuddle me

"Yeah I'm good thanks Stevie. Just hard seeing him for the first time in so long" I say

"I'm sure it is. Why did you take what she was saying and then tell all they lies Claire?" He says looking angry.

"I m sorry. I just didn't want to come between him and his girlfriend Stevie. I want him to be happy. So I thought if I lie to his girlfriend and pretend we were just friends then nothing can happen but then obviously she still got jealous and was making it worse. It took everything in me not to hit her but I was doing it for mark" I mumble.

"Do you still love him?" Stevie questions making me think about it.

Do I love him?

"Yes I love him like I love all of you but I'm not in love with him anymore if that's what you meant? The feelings we had for each other are gone now but we still have years of memories that is hard to completely forget no matter how much i try blocking them out. So again I love him and he will always have a special place in my heart but I'm not in love with him and hold no feelings for him anymore. I mean of course we can't we don't know each other anymore" I say what I believe to be truthful.

"Hmm...okay" he smirks.

"What?" I say raising an eyebrow

"Nothing. I'm just happy your home. Now you can help set me up with someone" he winks.

"I'm happy too and aww is Stevie wevie ready to settle down?" I coo

"Woo hold up I didn't say that. I just says set me up not get me in a relationship" he says looking shocked.

"Okay mr player" I laugh.

"Come on let's head back in" he laughs.

We head into the living room where everyone is.

"Hey guys I better go, I need to go make my other visits to let them know I'm home" I laugh.

"I'm so glad your home" caty says giving me a hug.

"Me too" the others say as I'm giving them all a hug goodbye.

"Well I love you all, see you soon." I say

"Love you too" they say in unison.

" love you Claire I will call later" caty says making me nod

Heading back to my car I get in driving to my parents house. Sneaking into their house I follow the voices.

"Have you heard from Claire today?" Dad asks mom

"No which is strange she usually calls me. I hope she is okay" mom says

"She will be fine. Probably just busy" he says

"I miss her so much. We will need to go visit soon" she says.

"She misses you too which is why she moved back home" I say giving them both a freight.

"MY BABY" mom says running to me crying.

"Hey guys" I smile

"Did you just say you moved back home?" Dad says with a wide smile.

"Yep! It's been planned for a month all my stuff is in my new house which is a 10 minute drive from here. I've got a new managers job. So yes I'm back home" I smile cuddling them both.

"Omg I'm so happy. When did you arrive?" mom cries.

"This morning but I went home to shower then went to catys and Williams to give them their engagement present and see them since I seen you both last week" I tell her.

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