Chapter 8-oh what a surprise

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Chloe Pov
"Good morning Lilly how are you today?" I smile.

"Morning, I'm good thanks you?" She says

"I'm great thanks. So do we have anything big today?" I ask as I walk into my office.

"Well mr Donald needs those files by the end of the day, which he wants you to bring as he wants to talk about something. You have a meetings at 9:30, 10:30 and 11 o'clock which is a client then Jane and miss green. After the meetings it's just the usual stuff today nothing big." She says with a smile.

"Perfect thank you! Oh speaking of miss green I actually found out I knew her" I smirk


So I started telling Lilly of how I met Rachel and what happened. Telling her I just found out this morning.

"So she wants you to get me to video Rachel coming in?" She questions

"Yes She is crazy, I'm not doing that" I laugh.

"Your right we won't, we will FaceTime her instead" she smirks

"Oh god your just as bad as caty is" I groan making her laugh.

"Thanks. Anyway would you like a coffee?" She asks

"Yes please. I'm just going to drop these files off now and then I will be back" I tell her as we walk out of my office

"No problem" she yells after me

Making my way to mr Donald's office I see a male and female practically dry humping in the middle of the corridor. When I get closer I see it's the guy that tried to me yesterday when I came to speak to me Donald. I found out his name is Thomas and he is an employee not a manager or anything.

Yuk they are disgusting

"This is not the time nor the place to be doing that" I say loudly making them pull apart.

"Aww you jealous baby" Thomas smirks while letting his eyes roam over me from head to toe.

Seriously? Creep

"Definitely not. I just don't want to bring my breakfast back up in the middle of the corridor thank you" I glare at him

"Who do you think you are? You can't tell us what to do and what not to do" the female glares

"Actually I don't think I know that I'm your boss and I can indeed tell you what to do. So if you want to keep your job then get a move on and actually start some work. Wait to do that after work when your not in front of people that really don't want to see that" I tell her.

"Oh uh sorry I-I'm going to go" she says before rushing off

"That was sexy" Thomas says winking at me

"Thomas get a move on or you won't have a job by the end of the day. I'm not interested so give" I tell him sternly

"Fine" he grumbles then walks away

Knock knock

"Come in"

"Hello mr Donald I was just coming to drop the files off for you" I tell him as I walk to his desk.

"Oh that's great thank you dear. I actually wanted to ask about you having a meeting with Jane the receptionist today. What is that about?" He questions.

"Oh right yes. One of the other receptionists have put a complaint in about Jane, the other woman was practically demanding Jane be fired for accidentally spilling coffee on her so I just want to bring Jane in earlier to see if anything else has been going on and if miss green has been doing anything to her. Miss green is coming in at 11 today for a meeting and depending if there is anything else going on miss green will be receiving a warning. I hope that is okay with you sir? But I will not stand for someone trying to bully another person out of there job well to be honest I just don't like bullies at all and that is clearly what miss green is trying to do. But I also have to discuss her telephone manners with her as when I called reception yesterday she was very rude to me until she found out who I was, it could've been a client for all she knew and she didn't care how she spoke. That looks bad for the company so we can not tolerate that" I tell him honestly.

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