Chapter 7- wedding planning

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Mark Pov
"Hey man thanks for coming" William says as I walk into their house

"No problem man. Sorry guys I finished late tonight that's why I'm later." I say

"Don't worry mark, we are still waiting on that maid of honour of mines anyway" caty groans

"Oh is Claire coming too" I say making them both smile

"Yes, Aww look at how happy he is, that he is going to see her" caty cooed making me and William chuckle.

"Don't go telling her that" I smile

Before anyone can say anything we hear the door opening followed by groans making us all go in the living room. I'm biting my lip to stop myself laughing at what I'm seeing, I look to William and caty to see they are doing the same. Claire is in her pjs laying in the middle of the living room with bags and notebooks and wedding magazines surrounding her with her eyes closed.

"Hey babe you okay?" Caty asks with a giggle.

"I'm here I'm here! You can stop blowing my phone up now. Work was busy and tiring, had to tell a bitch off. Finished work Sadie met me outside. We had to collect stuff from somewhere to drop of the venue for your engagement party had to talk to the guy which him and Sadie were to busy being gooey eyed at each other. Turned into my mum to tell them off and set them up then went through arrangements with him for Saturday walked out leaving Sadie and him alone while you blew up my phone and I'm almost sleeping standing up. Rushed home at 20 minutes to shower and grab a night bag to stay here tonight which btw I am even if you and William said no. Now please feed me before you turn into bridezilla because I'm ready to pass out" she ramble on

"Awww my little Claire-bear I'm sorry. But why are you on the floor?" Caty laughs while me and William watch amused at the girl on the floor.

"I tripped and don't have any energy to get up so can I sleep for 5 minutes" she yawns.

I actually feel sorry for her she looks drained.

"Did you wear your pjs here?" Clare asks

"Duh! I don't have a man to empress and No one is going to see me but you. Please no more questions just for 5 minutes" she whines,

"Sorry babe but it's not just me" caty laughs making Claire open her eyes she sees William first then me.

"Oh shit" she mumbles then closes her eyes again making up all burst out into laughter.

"You okay down there?" I smirk

"Yes just tired" she says sleepily then her breathing evens out

"Has she just fell asleep?" William laughs.

"Yes" me and caty say

"Poor Claire she must be knackered. Mark can you take her up to one of the spare rooms please and William will you follow behind with her bags please and she can sleep until the food arrives. I'm going to order it now. Is pizza okay with you both" caty says

"Yeah baby that's fine" William says

"No problem" I say while bending down to pick Claire up.

Once I'm fully standing she wraps her arms tight around my neck then cuddles into my chest letting out a little happy sigh making me look down at her face smiling while brushing her hair off her forehead.

"Awwww" caty says with a big smile

"That was actually cute, wonder if she can feel that it's you?" William says smiling.

"Not sure" I smile

"Mark please don't do this" she mumbles as a tear rolls down her cheek. I feel my heart clench and look up to Caty and William looking shocked

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