Chapter 6- So Tired

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Claire pov
"Hey girlies" I say as I walk into the cafe we are meeting at for our lunch breaks.

"Hey babe" caty smiles

"Hey girl how are you?" Sadie asks.

"Yeah I'm great thanks what about you both?" I ask them

"I'm great and I'm so bloody excited for my engagement party" caty squeals

"Yeah I'm good too" Sadie smiles

"So do you have everything ready for the party?" Caty asks after we give the waitress our order.

"Yep everything is all set and nope we aren't going to tell you so don't ask" I laugh

"Aww man. Please Sadie" caty says

"No I'm not telling you either it's our surprise for you" Sadie laughs.

"Awk fine. But thank you both so much you didn't have to take over and plan it for us" caty smiles

"It's more Claire I'm just her little helper she is the boss" Sadie says making us laugh.

"No we are equals" I say.

"Anyway so how have things been with you and mark. Are you talking yet?" Sadie says.

"Yes Claire how are things with you and mark?" Caty smirks

"Oh..uh y-yeah everything is fine" I mumble

"Ooooh What you hiding Claire-bear" Sadie giggle.

"Wehadagoodchatandcrytogetherandkissedafewtimes" I rush out

"Eh What?" They say.

"Remember Last week the night William kept opening his big mouth. Sadie it was the night you couldn't come out with us?"

"Oh what did william do?" Sadie asked

"He was such an idiot. William and mark bumped into us then ended up having something to eat with us but William kept putting his big foot in it, opened his mouth and let his belly rumble" caty says rolling her eyes making us laugh

"What did he say?" She asked

"Well here are just a few examples.  'When you meet the one you don't let them go' or 'I can't believe I'm marrying my first love' or 'who would have thought we would have been getting married first I always thought it would've been mark and claire'. I swear I wanted to kill him at that moment in time. Claire was crying which made me cry Mark was sitting with watery eyes clenched jaw and clenching his hands and William the idiot that he is didn't even realise what he was saying until mark told him to shut the fuck up" caty sighed while rubbing her face.

"Oh my god he didn't" Sadie says

"Oh he so did. But bless him he didn't even realise it and when he saw me crying he looked so sad" I laughed

"God I love that man" caty says smiling making us laugh.

"Okay Anyway What were you saying Claire" Sadie says

"Oh yeah well that night at the restaurant I went to the toilet got really upset and didn't want them to see me like that so caty came to get me and came to my house for a while then after she left I went for a walk to clear my head. I Ended up at the spot me and mark used to always go. When I got there is seen mark sitting there on the bench just staring straight ahead I stared at him for a few minutes like a creep then says his name he turned around says hey and asked what he was doing there to which he says probably the same reason I was. I went to leave but he asked me to stay so I sat down beside him we were quiet for a bit but then he spoke first we started talking I got upset he put his arm around me hugging me into his side we both cried a little then we kissed" I tell them. Once I finished they both had smiles on their faces.

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