Chapter 13- Engagement party day

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Claire Pov
My eyes slowly opening due to the sun shining directly in my face. Ugh

Grabbing the phone I check what time it is and it's only bloody 7 in the morning after a busy, stressful and emotional last week and a half I was hoping to finally sleep until later but clearly not.
Trying to fall back asleep again it takes me a few minutes to remember what day it is today.


I can't believe my best friend and close friend/brother type are getting married in two months time. They are so right for each other though so I know they are going to live a long and happy life together. Picking up my phone again I unlock it then hid the FaceTime icon the do a group video with me, mark, Sadie, josh and Stevie.

"Who the fuck is this"
"Do you know what time it is"
"Ugh What?" Sadie,Stevie and josh say in unison.

"Hello"Mark says in his sexy husky morning voice.

"Hey guys wake up it's engagement party day and we have things to do"I cheer

"Okay and? It's tonight not at 7 in the morning?"josh says

"Ok you go get the things done and I'm going to sleep" Stevie says.

"Hmm?" Clearly mark never heard and is practically sleeping.

"I'm up babe" Sadie says with a smile.

"Yes that's my girl" I say making her laugh.

"Boys wake up" Sadie says.


"Guys you better wake the fuck up if you don't wake up and I have to come to your houses I will rip something of your body that you all are obsessed with and shove them up your fucking ass" I growl making them jump up wide eyed.

"I'm up"
"Ok I'm up"
"I'm up" they all say in unison.

"YEAH it worked. Yes woohoo" I cheer like a little child because of course I would never do nothing like that but they still got scared kind of forgetting in that moment I was on a call.

"Awww my girly"

"Look at her little face"

"Little wittle Claire-Bear" Sadie Stevie and josh cooed at me making me laugh.

"Shut up" I say shaking my head and look at Marks face to see him staring at his screen at one of us with a full blown gorgeous smile which I'm assuming he was staring at me since he then speaks.

"This is why I love you" He chuckle making me blush and the others laugh.

"Anyway Guys out Of bed get ready because we will all meet at the venue at 8:30 to help set up or as much as we can until 10 then we will head to caty and Williams house have breakfast and chill for a few hours before the girls split from the boys to get ready. Are they plans okay" I ask wanting to double check them.

"Yes" they all smile

"Thank you guys love you all" I blow a kiss.

"Love you too" they say smiling.

I start climbing out of my bed finding a casual outfit to shove not caring to much about it since I'm probably just going to get all sweaty anyway from setting the venue up.



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