pArT EiGhT

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Curt was being dat boi in Roland's bed. (As suggested by my brother, HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY MY MAN)

The whole rampage in Tokyo and being locked up next to The Roland and telling him that he was knocked up had all been a dream.

Lol nah bitch i'm not that basic

hE WaS aCtUaLlY StiLl iN PrIsOn.

Bitch what the fuck !

The Roland came YEETING into the cell.

He gave a shout, shout, let it all out



*insert Gary Jules version of Mad World meme here whilst sloooowly panning in on Curt's face.*

What the fuck Roland.

You betrayed us.

Curt eventually had to come to the depressing realisation that The Roland was going to be released from PrIsOn and go on to sell millions of records and sleep with millions of girls every night whilst he would be left to rot away in PrIsOn and spend all hours of everyday thinking about what could've been.

Good luck with that mate.

The end.

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