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Once Aniya left Sam and Emily's home, the pack had stayed back knowing Sam had something to talk to them about

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Once Aniya left Sam and Emily's home, the pack had stayed back knowing Sam had something to talk to them about.

"So, I take it all of you felt it?" Sam announced as they all looked at each other

"Yeah" Seth nodded," I never felt it before at school"

Embry agreed with him," Same"

"Did something happen? I mean-We know Jacob didn't imprint on her" Paul exclaimed

Emily then spoke up," Hey, boys-Sam," She said looking at them," Aniya is my friend, and I would like it if you guys don't just-Well think whatever this feeling you all feel, not change anything. I don't want you all to suddenly treat her different-Because she does not deserve that"

"Agreed" Leah acknowledged," That feeling, won't change the way I view her, and it should be the same for you boys as well"

"Wouldn't have it any other way" Seth grinned," Aniya is awesome, and I'd hate for her to think you three are friends with her because of this- "He furrowed his brows," What is it exactly Sam?"

All eyes went back to their Alpha who had his arms folded," I wanted to discuss this with Jacob around, but considering how Aniya and he feel about each other, I'm not sure if we can tell him"

"He'll have to know eventually, he is part of the pack" Quil intervened and Emily nodded

"I agree with you Quil, but-Aniya and Jacob have a history with each other, one that none of us should get involved with. We can't force them to be friends and makeup, because whatever happened, is only for them to fix"

"So, we just-don't tell him whatever this is?" Seth asked quietly, not like how there is going to be secrets within the pack from anyone.

"Which is why I'm not going to say anything, until hopefully, the moment comes" Sam stated," All I'm going to say is that she has the same protection we have for imprints"

"Well from the sketches, I think we can all agree that she just might have a role afterall, despite Jake's snide remarks about her," Embry said but his tone went defensive towards the end of it," Besides, Seth and I both still considered her important way before today's events"

On Embry's words, it caused Leah and Emily to smile towards it.

"So, she draws us, and the girls" Jared mumbled and then looked up," Then she said that Jake's wolf is always next to her-So, I know you said you won't say anything but doesn't anyone else find that all a little suspicious?"

"I find it interesting, over suspicious" Seth stated," Aniya is not a bad person, so I would, on mine, Embry, Emily and Leah's side of things, would like if you all could see past the things Jacob would tend to comment about her or her drawings for the matter, and see her for who she is"

"Basically, give her a chance" Embry continued," I think you all can agree that after spending one day with her, that she is more than just someone who Jake has annoyance for"

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