So Sweet ~12 [unedited]

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~trigger warning~

"Jennie!" her mother yelled while bursting into her room. Jennie jumped up and quickly pulled her towel in front of her. "Jesus" she mumbled before looking at her mother "Yes mother what is wrong?" She said a bit pissed oof. She had just gotten out of the shower and was putting on her sleeping clothes. "Why aren't there any eggs left?" She said frustration evident in her voice. "I ate the last one with my noodles when I got home..."Jennie said nervously. "What the hell am I supposed to eat then? Why didn't you buy any more?" "I didn't have money mom..."

Jennie's mother groaned and took the first thing she could find on her daughters desk, which was a hairbrush, and threw it angrily at Jennie. She was able dodge it so instead it hit the wall behind her. "What the fuck mom?" Jennie said, anger laced in her voice, and backed up since her mother was getting closer "Why are you such a selfish fuck that doesn't think about anyone else?" She hissed angrily. Jennie was fed up and pushed her mother away harshly, not caring that this got her half naked frame exposed. "Well I learned it from the best" she replied. Before she could even process it her mother had smacked her across the face already. Without really giving it any thought she smacked her mother back.

Jennie was tired of her mother hitting her the whole time and all she wanted to do was go to bed. It was already ten past 12 and she was exhausted. "Just fucking leave me alone for once!" She yelled and harshly pushed her mother away again. "Are you crazy!" Her mother yelled back at her and she lunged forward hitting her in her jaw. Jennie knew that by hitting her mother again this wouldn't stop anytime soon but she didn't care anymore. She was fed up and exhausted from the day. Before she knew it she was full on having a fight with her mother. What ended it all was her throwing her mother out of her room and quickly locking the door. Her mother continued to angrily pound on the door for a while but Jennie just blocked that out. She quickly put on an old shirt and got into bed. The adrenaline that was still flowing through her body made her feel almost nothing of the forming bruises.


Rosé was on her way to pick up Jisoo and Jennie in her new car. When she arrived at Jisoo's place only she was standing outside. "Oh my god it looks amazing!" Jisoo exclaimed excitedly and Rosé smiled proudly "Thank you Soo. Jennie isn't there yet?" The older girl shook her head "She isn't even picking up her phone. Do you think she is alright?" "With how things have been recently... I can't say" Rosé sighed and ran a hand through her hair before looking at her watch. We still have some time left so we can go to her house and see if things are okay?" Rosé quickly offered and Jisoo got into the front seat before they drove off.

Jisoo once had gotten a spare key from Jennie and used that to get it. The whole place had gotten messy again since Jennie hadn't cleaned up a lot yesterday evening. They quickly went upstairs but when they tried to get into their friends room it was locked. "Jennie?" Rosé asked and knocked on the door. "Jennie are you in there?" Jisoo asked again and they heard a bit of movement coming from the other side.

Jennie had slowly gotten up and felt how everything was hurting. Even her head was pounding as if she had a hangover. She unlocked the door before opening it. Jisoo and Rosé stood there and looked worriedly at their friend. "Oh my god what happend?" Are you okay?" they asked her and she nodded. Jennie went to her closet and took out one of her uniforms before changing as fast as she could. The friends looked at the blue and purple spots on her body and looked worriedly at each other. "Do you think you will be able to manage?" jisoo asked and took Jennies backpack before they all walked down the stairs. Jennie hummed and went into her almost empty fridge to take out two strong painkillers. She was about to take them but Rose prevented her from doing so. "You first need to eat the bread I have in my car alright?

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