You Make Me Happy Too~19 [unedited]

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"Umma!" Layla almost screamed as she jumped off her bed and ran into her sisters arms. "Stop screaming. It isn't so exciting to see this bitch" He grumbled to his youngest daughter and mumbled the last part to himself, but she payed no attention to him, too happy to finally see her sister again. And Jennie just ignored it.

"Come join me! I was drawing!" She said excitedly and pulled Jennie back to her bed. Jennie observed the room of her sister, it looked way better than the last time she saw it which was a few months ago. Then it had dirty white walls, a bed with ash blue covers in a corner of the room and a few toys scattered around the floor with two beat up stuffed animals. There was no closet so all of her clothes were just dumped in a bin in one of the other corners of the room. Now it had soft orange walls with the same bed, only pink covers and the stuffed animal that Lisa gave her on it. There was a small closet and a corner where her toys stayed. There weren't a lot but Jennie did her best to make the amount grow slowly.

As she and her little sister were drawing she noticed how Layla talked a bit more than before. Jennie was surprised at this small yet sudden change but she was so happy that it happened. As she excused herself for a minute she went up to see her father downstairs making some sandwiches.

"Um... Dad?" She asked a bit unsure and he turned his head for a moment "What?". "I... I was wondering if something had happened? With Layla? She seems... Different" the girl questioned an bit her lip. "Oh, since I finally got a job I put her into day care. So I guess that whatever you're referring to has happened there" He said and turned around, handing Jennie a plate with three sandwiches on it, "One for Layla two for you." Jennie bit back a big smile and was about to turn around when she placed the plate onto the dining table behind her and wrapped her arms around him.

"Thank you for taking care of her."

He never re-approached the hug but she was okay with that, just seeing her little sister happier than before made her happy. No matter if neither of her parents loved her.


"Oh my god you guys look so cute!" Rosé squeaked out as she saw a picture of Jisoo and INSERT NAME. "It's so adorable Jisoo" Lisa complimented making Jisoo smile. "Hehehe thank you guys. But enough about me" She said and smirked "Do any of you have your eye out for someone?" She questioned and took a bite of her fried rice. Rosé turned slightly red and shifted a bit uncomfortable "Uh... No not really" "Actually no. I don't think so at least" Lisa said for herself and smiled "but I'm sure that who ever will catch these eyes will be an amazing person."

Almost at the end of dinner a group of girls walked up to the three girls while having their phones in their hands and were whispering and giggling.

"Can I get a picture with you?" One of them asked while looking at Lisa who smiled a bit uncomfortable as she apologizingly looked at her two friends. "You're Rosé right?" Another girl asked Rosé who looked up suprised, "Uh... Yeah, how do you know?" "You have been spotted hanging out a lot with Lisa. Plus your father owns The Parks Establishment right? So cool!" She ranted making Rosé glance at Jisoo who just shrugged, not really knowing what to say. "Can I get a picture with you too?"

Five minutes later they finally all left leaving the three girls behind.

"What. The. Fuck. Just happened" Rosé said still confused as hell. "You're becoming famous too" Jisoo giggled and Rosé rolled her eyes a bit. "I so am not famous and don't want to be either." Lisa bit her lip and shrugged "Same. But you don't choose if people want to idolize you or not. Plus maybe this was just a one time thing."

But boy they were wrong.

It was wednesday afternoon and Jennie and Rosé were eating some candy while sitting on a bench in the park. Rosé had wanted to talk to Jennie to make sure that she was okay. While Jennie was almost back to normal she noticed that the older girl was easier distracted and kind of had a dull expression in her eyes.

"I just don't... I don't know. I just... I'm really happy for Layla you know? I'm glad that he is taking better care of her, that he is somehow trying to be a better father... I just feel... jealous in a way. I wish he would at least show me that I'm his daughter. But he doesn't even acknowledge me really. He just sees me as a person that is playing mother to his daughter. Nothing else. And my mom doesn't even care about me. I just want them to at least... I don't know Rosé. I just want them to love me. Care for me. Why can't they? Why won't they?" Jennie sniffled and buried her face into her friends shirt. She didn't really care that they were in a public place. It was almost 8 and it was starting to get a bit dark. The park was close to Rosé her house and it was pretty quiet. Not a lot of people were there.

They stayed like that for a while, Rosé running her fingers through her friends hair and softly humming a tune to a song.

A voice interrupted their peace, "You're Rosé right?! Can I get a picture with you? You're friends with Lisa right? Holy shit I can't believe that I'm actually seeing you. YEYUN GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW ITS ROSE!" She yelled at someone in the distance. Rose rolled her eyes in her head and glanced down at Jennie who gripped her tighter. She just wanted to be with her best friend right now. Why did they want pictures with Rosé? Couldn't the girl just fuck off?

"Hey um, I don't know who you are but I'm kind of spending time with my best friend so..."

"Please just one picture?"


The selfies were taking rather quickly and the two girls left excitedly. "Let's just go inside okay? It's getting a bit too dark anyways. We can watch Lilo and Stitch and we can cuddle with some coco. Sounds good?" Jennie nodded a bit and kissed her best friends cheek "Thank you for... Making me happy".

"You're welcome. You make me happy too... Really happy."

And that was the truth. Jennie made her happy.

Because she loved her like her own sister.


Another update for you guys (: It's finally weeeekeeeend hehehe

Hope that everyone is doing okay <3

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