Stayed Secrets~32 [unedited]

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"I like her, Luna... I like her but I don't think she will like me back" Lisa admitted to her friend while she was watching the toddler puzzle. It was one of the four piece puzzles and surprisingly Elkie enjoyed trying to make it.

"What do you have to lose Lis? I mean... I honestly think she likes you too. When we went to the park yesterday, the five of us, I felt like she couldn't keep her eyes off of you. She even looked jealous when you were clinging onto me." The older girl laughed. Lisa chuckled, "She knows that you're straight Luna, that would be absurd."

Luna shrugged "So? She thought that she was straight once too but now she isn't. She is just scared that you will make me realize how I am not straight." Lisa let out a laugh and shook her head, "That's silliness."

There was a short silence before Lisa spoke up again.

"I still think that she is mad that I ditched her for my ex that night." Lisa sighed sadly. The girl still felt bad for it and no matter how often Rosé had told her that it was alright, the guilt never went away.

After her father announced to Minjae and his family that she wasn't able to get pregnant they ended the contract and paid her a quarter of a million dollars. She was surpised about that because it was her fault that the contract failed.

She kind of felt like a prostitute when they had given her money for the sex that she provided. But she was quick in letting that go. Otherwise she would have been one for a few years already.

Her father had taken a part of her money but left the rest to Lisa so she could buy whatever she wanted with it. It wasn't like she really needed it because she had her credit card, but it still felt nice to have her own money.

She had decided to put it onto her own private bank account that she recently opened after she got a sum of one million dollars from Celine just to thank her for becoming their face in Korea. The money she got monthly was going to be send to her father, and she wondered how much she would receive from him, but it didn't really matter to her. She was content with the clothes she got to pick out and wear.

At school she announced to her friends a few days after the beach day, that she had broken up with her boyfriend because they hadn't been okay for a while. They all apologized but Lisa assured them that she was okay and had seen it coming.

She wasn't going to tell them what actually happened. Some secrets were best if they stayed secrets. Forever.

"Just tell her that you are sorry. Because you are right? Just do... certain things to show her how much you like her... and eventually ask her out on a date?" Luna suggested. Lisa nodded and chewed on her bottom lip. She was right, she just had to show the older girl that she really cared about her and enjoyed spending time with her.


There were two and a half weeks left of high school and the final grades were going to be calculated soon. All the four girls knew that they would pass this grade and go to their final year. Usually schools ended in February, but since they went to a private school they created their own semesters and scheduled in their own vacations. Their vacation started in the end of beginning of and ended at the end of September, giving them three months of free time.

To Lisa, Rosé and Jisoo these months were wonderful.

Lisa usually spend her time traveling, dancing and relaxing.

Chaeyoung also usually traveled with her parents. Last year they had gone to Sydney, from there there to Hong Kong and last but not least they went to Hawaii.

Jisoo went to Jeju island with her parents.

They all had fun things to do in their vacation except Jennie. Besides spending time with her little sister she was stuck at home. She had picked up a summer job at a sketchy bar to earn some money but that was it. The remainder of the time she stayed home, unable to go to her friends since they weren't there.

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