Pity For The Child~23 [M] [unedited]

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~slight trigger warning~

"Why do you never bring food Lisa? You know that you have to eat right?" Jisoo said worried and eyed the skinny girl across from her.

"I'm just never hungry I guess..." She shrugged and Rosé brought a fork full of pasta to her friends lips. "One bite?"

Lisa stared at the fork and sighed before opening her mouth. She could really use something else in her stomach then water.

"What do you guys think about going to the beach on Saturday? I mean it's summer already and the weather seems to be nice." Jisoo suggested as she was finishing her food. "Sounds like a plan!" Rosé excitedly exclaimed. "I'm down. Do you guys think i could bring Layla?" Jennie asked and they hummed "of course Jen. I miss her." Rosé smiled and Lisa hummed. "I think I can make it. Which time are we going?"


It was Friday afternoon and Lisa was on her way to Minjae as he had texted her to come over. She knew that she didn't have a choice so she couldn't object. She just hoped that it wouldn't take too long. She had planned to sleep over at Rosé her place since her father wasn't in the country and would get back only Sunday morning.

"I'm here." She texted him once she arrived at his place and waited for him to let her inside.

Instead it was a maid who let her inside and told her to go to a specific room. She was still in her school uniform and all she wanted to do was shower and relax. The week had been pretty stressful.

There had been two essays and one presentation that had to get done that week. Her father had also gotten a call from Celine and she was supposed to meet up with them on Sunday. She was excited for that and her beach trip with her friends.


She actually had friends. She couldn't believe it. It still felt like a dream. A dream too good to be true.

As she walked into the room she saw a pair of lingerie and a note.

Put these on. And be on your knees. You have five minutes.

Lisa scoffed as she read the last part. Getting on my knees? For him? He must be crazy! she thought to herself. She stripped out of her school uniform and out of her undergarments before putting on the lingerie. She then sat down on the bed and took out her phone. She could reply to some messages now.

Jisoo had texted her saying that they had decided to go around eight in the morning instead of nine because it was promising to be a hot day and they wanted to choose a nice spot. She send a reply that it was okay and moved on to Jennie her messages. They had settled that Lisa would pick up Jennie and then Layla before going to the beach. Rosé and Jisoo were going together with Rosé her car. Because they were going to bring their own beach umbrellas Lisa went with her jeep instead. Everything that she was taking from her house was already in the back part.

When she was replying to Rosé that she would be there around 10, the door flew open and Minjae stood there in a pair of jeans and a v necked shirt. The moment he saw that Lisa wasn't on her knees his pupils dilated as anger rose up in him quickly. He strode up to the girl and angrily and pulled the phone out of the girls hand before throwing at against the wall, not caring that the screen shattered to pieces.

"What the fuck?!" Lisa yelled and jumped up. He pushed her down onto the bed and pinned her hands above her head. She struggled back, but couldn't get her hands out of his grip. Even though she had been training for years and had some muscles build up, she had grown a bit weak due to her food restraints and the fact that he was way bigger and more muscular than her. "You fucking asshole! Let me go!" She continued screaming but her firmly placed his large hand over her mouth, muffling her cussing him out.

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