Rage ~16 [unedited]

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"Jennie wake up" a voice said making her slowly open her eyes and groan as she saw one of the workers stand at her bedside. "It's like what? Fucking 6 am" she mumbled annoyed and glanced at the person. "You need to go shower now. It's breakfast time in half an hour' the woman said before walking out of the room. The girl groaned and pulled the covers over her head. Fuck showering and fuck breakfast she thought and soon she was fast asleep again.

Around an hour later she got woken up again "Jennie you missed breakfast and haven't showered yet. Go shower right now and for not doing those two things earlier you'll get minus points" the woman said. The girl rolled her eyes and slowly sat up "I don't give a fuck about those. I am not a small kid that is worried about points" she mumbled and got her towel before disappearing into the bathroom that was connected to her room. The worker sighed and shook her head before leaving the room.

It was during this time that Lisa her alarm went off making her groan. She tried to reach for her phone without opening her eyes but was constricted by two arms tightly wrapped around her. She peaked and saw a sleeping Rosé clinging onto her. She chuckled and wondered how she still hadn't woken up from the annoying sound. When she tried to get out of the grip of her friend Rose let out a slight whine and snuggles closer "ignore it babe" she mumbled almost unaudible. The younger girl looked surprised and slightly shocked at what she just heard. Was Rosé doing alright? She eventually managed to get out of Rosé her grip who seemed in a deep sleep and turned off her alarm. Lisa yawned and took her phone before sitting next to the sleeping girl. She unlocked it and went onto her phone opening the few messages that her father had send her. She read through the details of the event she had to attend later and sighed as she saw that it was going to start at 4 in the afternoon until 10 in the evening. She never liked going to these things alone. Even though she wasn't really socializing with her dad at events not as much attention was on her. But if she was alone people would notice everything she did. Her father had send her the instructions not to eat for the morning until the event because she has to look beautiful and slim.

She decided that even if she wasn't allowed to eat Rosé still had to eat something so she send a text asking the chef, that worked for them when they needed him, if he could prepare some waffles with a strawberry and chocolate sauce on the side and chocolate milk with smores in it. It definitely wasn't a healthy breakfast but she felt like Rosé would like it. He quickly texted back saying that it would take around half an hour.

In that time she just went onto her instagram and checked some of her messages and her newsfeed. On the explorer page she saw the same picture that Rosè had showed her yesterday and clicked onto it. The disgusting comments that she saw really aggravated her. She didn't mind the once about her but what they said about her friend. She sighed and while she usually let things like this slide she felt like she couldn't. But she didn't know how to confront and issue like this because all she had done in the past was ignore it.

Once the meal was done she asked him to bring it to her room. She accepted it and placed the tray next to her bed on a nightstand and shook Rosé awake. The girl groggily got up and felt slightly confused for a second before realizing where she was. "Oh good morning Lisa" she mumbled and rubbed her eyes. The younger girl smiled at the cute sight "good morning Rosé. I've got breakfast if you want some?" Rosé nodded and sat up next to her friend "yes please". She handed Rosé the tray and smiled as her friend dug in.

"Why haven't you got any?" Rosé said confusion evident in her voice. Lisa shrugged "Not hungry I guess" she said and send a slight smile at Rosé. "You still need to eat though" the older girl said and cut a piece of waffle and dipped it into some chocolate sauce before holding it in front of Lisa her mouth. Lisa nervously looked at Rosé before shaking her head.

She knew that if she took a bit more would come. And she couldn't afford to not look exactly like her father wanted her to. Her father wanted her to be practically perfect in everything but the way she looked was probably his biggest fixation. She knew that he would see the pictures and she knew that if he wasn't going to be satisfied she was fucked.

Rosé saw the slight distress on her friends face and started to worry even more. Was Lisa okay? Did she have en eating disorder like some people claimed she had? Or was she just really not hungry?

Lisa sighed "one bite okay? I need to look good later". Rosé fed her the bit and Lisa chewed slowly, enjoying the taste. "What does you having to look good and you not eating breakfast have to do with each other. You legit always look great" she commented. Lisa sighed and started to play with her nails "Okay so..." Rosé could sense that she was uncomfortable so interrupted her "It's okay if you don't want to tell me" she said and placed a hand on her friends shoulder. Lisa slightly smiled and shook her head "no it's fine... just don't take it too serious. So my father is a very... he likes things to be perfect. And since I'm going to represent him he wants me to look the best I can. So he told me not to eat until the event so I look my best". Rose didn't know how to feel about what she just heard and looked with worry at her friend "But Lisa... You need to eat, I mean what if you feel weak or faint or something happened like it happened at school?" "It won't. Don't worry about it or me" Lisa said, sounding a bit more cold than expected. Rose wanted to object but heard the slight lack of emotion in the girls voice so stayed silent.

"I'm going to shower" Lisa said quickly before taking her towel and disappearing into the bathroom.


"Do you understand it?"

Jennie sighed and nodded. She had just heard that she had to stay this week and then she was allowed to turn back home. That due to the fact that she was almost at the legal age and she had a small say in what happened to her.

"But how about school? I mean my school uniform is at home. My books and assignments are at home. How do you guys want me to study? This is all so annoying." She said worried. "You need to ask your friends to send pictures of the school work they received. Also to bring a notebook for you so you can note everything down.

"I will fucking miss a whole week of school is what you're trying to tell me?!" Jennie almost yelled. She didn't like school at all but she knew she needed the education. She knew she needed to follow the classes or she would be so lost. She couldn't afford to get below a 70% on any of her tests. The only reason she was in such a good high end school was because of the fact that Rose her parents paid the tuition for her. The only thing she had to do was always do her best and don't get a grade below 70%.

"I have test next week monday. They are going to give us so much new things to study and you guys want me to understand everything just through fucking pictures?! I can't fucking afford to miss a whole week of school" She outed, a lot of stress present in her voice. 'We are just following orders Jennie. Now watch your mouth before we take your phone away and early your bed time to 8pm.

Jennie felt rage build up inside her. She wanted to scream and smash everything in her room to pieces.

But all she did was lay silently in her bed.

Because what else could she do?


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