Callot?~36 [unedited]

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Lisa was tilted slightly back in her chair and had wrapped her arms around the sleeping Elkie. The soft snores of the toddler and the way that she clung onto her relaxed Lisa completely. She had her eyes closed and just tried to focus on the warmth on top of her.

Suddenly she heard a camera click and peaked open one eye. Luna had her phone in her hand and smiled sweetly at Lisa.

"Please send it to me." The girl mumbled before yawning and closing her eyes again.

She was tired, and felt like falling asleep.

After the outing with the girls in the past week she felt a bit better. Her nights weren't the most peaceful yet but she got at least two to three hours of peaceful sleep.

They had been flying for five hours already and she finally felt like her body was relaxed enough to sleep.

She just hoped that she wouldn't get a nightmare.


"This is amazing!" Layla practically yelled as she ran around the room and looked at everything. She was the least tired from everyone as the eleven hour flight had taken a toll on their body.

"Oh my god Umma! We are in Paris!" She yelled and jumped onto the bed.

Jennie laughed and smiled at her younger sisters excitement.

"This is the same city as the Hunchback and the Notre Dame right?" She said and pressed her face against the window.

Jennie hummed. "Yes it is... Paris is a wonderful and beautiful city. So much history has taken place here... It's incredible..." She mumbled dreamily and made her way over next to her sister. She pulled her closer to her and closed her eyes.

There was an aching feeling in her chest, but she tried pushing it away. For now, she had to have fun. She had to absorb and take in as much of her dream city as she possibly could.

A knock on their door interrupted their small moment and Jennie walked over to it before opening it and being welcomed by Jisoo her smiling face.

"The rooms are fucking amazing Jennie holy shit! This is a fucking five star hotel I- God!" She exclaimed excitingly and pulled her friend close to her. She squeezed her tightly into the hug, almost squeezing all the air she had in her lungs out of them.

"Chu I... Can't... Brea... Breath..." She mumbled out making the older girl laugh and let her go. "Sorry I am just so excited... But let's go to Lisa her room!" She grinned.

When the three girls arrived Luna, Elkie and Rosé where there already.

Lisa smiled brightly and patted the empty spaces on her bed.

"Welcome to out little gathering. I just brought you guys here to say a few things." She handed everyone a list with phone numbers and other information.

"Here are some taxi services. Some important places. Some guides numbers. Just... information you'd need to get around the city." She reached into the bag again and pulled out a few folded up maps. "Here is a map of the city so you guys don't get lost... I don't think any of you can speak french so I'd say speak english or have google translate with you at all times." She grinned.

Lastly she pulled out a stack of envelopes with names written on them. "Enjoy your stay guys." She smiled genuinely.

"Lisa!" Jisoo practically yelled out making the younger girl cringe. "Why? You have already given us so much..." She said as she stared at the money in the envelope.

She all had given them a few thousand euros.

"It's Europe. It's Paris. Euro's are more expensive than dollars, plus Paris is known for being expensive. I want you guys to enjoy your stay in the town. I want you guys to buy things and do things without worrying about the money." The last part she said while eyeing Jennie for a second before letting out a yawn.

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