Please Go Away~42 [unedited]

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~trigger warning~

Lisa laid on her father's office floor and closed her eyes. There was a ringing sound in her ears and all she tasted was blood. Her head was killing her and she didn't know on which pain to focus on anymore. Everything just seemed blurry and it seemed as if all her senses were flowing into one.

"Get the fuck up child! I need to go do my god damn work." He grumbled and made a kicking motion, making Lisa flinch and she tried to scramble away.

"No... no please no more. I can't appa. I can't." She whimpered brokenly and tried to push herself up. But it was as if her body wasn't cooperating.

"Why the fuck are you still laying there? I said GET UP!"

Lisa silently cried and tried to get up again.

"Appa please help me..." She sniffled and tried to focus her eyes on the man that was standing a few feet away. Everything was blurry and she was scared. It hadn't been this bad in years. Usually she managed to cope with they pain, but tonight she just couldn't.

"You really are fucking useless. I need to do everything." He grumbled and yanked the girl up by her hair. She released a yelp and her arms flew to her head. He dragged her out of the door and pushed her against the wall outside. She let out a pained moan and slid to the floor again, her legs unable to carry her.

"When I come out in a few minutes I want you gone out of my sight! I don't want to see you for the rest of the fucking week! You make me sick to my stomach." He stomped back and slammed the door of his office.

Lisa tried to get up again but failed. Suddenly she felt a pair of hands carefully wrap around her and pull her up. Through her blurred vision she recognized it to be one of their workers, Mia, and she tried to send her a weak smile.

The woman helped her make her way through the hallways towards her room.

"Thank you Mia." Lisa whispered and leaned against the door frame. The woman just nodded and rushed away, knowing that if her boss saw her she could get in serious trouble.

Lisa took a pained breath before opening her door as carefully as she could, but the moment it opened she lost her balance and practically fell inside. She was too tired and the way her body slammed onto her floor felt as if it was nothing. Her pain limit had been reached.

Out of her haze she saw shadows and heard faint noises, but she cared less.

She sighed contently as she felt herself drifting off.

"I think she passed out! Oh my god Lisa!" Rosé cried and tried to shake her girlfriend awake. Jisoo pulled her away making the girl cry even harder.

"She doesn't deserve this! Why? Why..." She sobbed as Jisoo stroked her hair.

"I don't know Rosie... But please stop crying... She needs us. We need to help her. Please be strong..."

Jennie tried to look for serious injuries. She knew how much everything probably hurt and wanted to make sure she didn't hurt the girl even more. She quickly went over to her friend's desk and found a pair of scissors. She cut open the passed out girl's shirt at the back and unhooked her bra. She noticed red spots, some already turning a bit of purple, scattered on her friends back. She sighed and had to keep herself from tearing up again.

She carefully lifted up the girl and carried her to her bathroom. She bit her lip before carefully placing her in the bathtub.

Soon Jisoo had joined in helping Jennie take off their friends clothes.

"This is horrible... I..." Jisoo swallowed and shook her head. She had to look away for a second not to burst into tears. There was some dried blood on some spots, and a large bruise covered the girl's lower stomach area. There were more bruises scattered on her body. Her face was already slightly swollen, one eye practically closed from how hard the blow to it was. Her skinny legs looked even paler with the bruises covering her thighs and the lower part of her legs.

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