Her Lips~21 [unedited]

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"Sing really off tune for 10 seconds and post it on social media" Jennie smirked and wiggled her eyebrows at her friends.

"Oh god..." Lisa mumbled and picked up her phone before starting to scream along to a song while filming herself. "Oh my god" Jennie laughed while Rosé and Jisoo were covering their ears "God this is horrible. I feel so bad for you" Jisoo snorted as Lisa uploaded it onto her instagram story. "Yeah yeah It's whatever" Lisa said with a smile. Rosé was about to zone out when her name got called

"Rosé! Truth or dare?" Lisa smirked as she was waiting for an answer. Rosé looked at the girl and swallowed before glancing at her lips and back up to her eyes "Uh... Truth" She hesitantly said before nervously looking at her friends.

Jennie was refilling her cup with vodka and cola as Jisoo was slowly sipping on hers. "Who is the last person you kissed?" Rosé felt all the heath go up to her face and bit her lips embarrassed "It was my ex..." "She broke up with him maybe half a year ago. I still don't get why she dumped him, he was hella nice and hot" Jisoo commented and Jennie nodded "He was such a sweet guy yeah" she added while looking at Lisa. "Oh shut up. I just... I don't know, I didn't really like him. I gave it a try but it didn't work out. I'm not into guys... Into guys like him" Rosé mumbled the last part and quickly took a big gulp of her cup, scrunching her face up into disgust.

"What is your type then?" Lisa asked Rosé who shrugs "I... I don't know. Now Jisoo, truth or dare?" "Fucking dare baby!" She cheered a bit too excited, from the four of them she had drank the most alcohol up till now. "Go outside and run through the street while yelling that you love chicken and want someone to give you chicken" Rosé grinned and everyone laughed at the crazy request "Alright, nothing is stopping meee!"

Two minutes later Jisoo was running while admitting her love for the fried junk food while her three friends stood in the door frame filming her. Rosé started to feel a bit clingy so she wrapped her arms around Lisa her waist who tensed up a bit before relaxing again. She didn't know why but she enjoyed the company of the girl a lot and her body heath felt quite nice. She wouldn't mind staying in this position for the rest of the night. Rosé her arms tightly wrapped around her waist, making her feel secure.

It was probably the alcohol thinking for her.

After Jisoo had returned inside they continued their dare for a while until everyone was too wasted too continue. Jisoo was trying to make jokes but those consisted of random words being thrown together with dramatic sounds effects and her laughing half of the time. Jennie just lazily hung back and observed the scene in front of her. Chaeyoung on the other hand was almost sitting on Lisa her lap while giggling at everything while Lisa was staring at the girl on her lap and licked her lips.

She would be lying if she didn't think about getting some good fucking done this night, but Rosé was her friend and she was straight, so that wouldn't help.

"I think I'm going to take a nap in your bed unnie" Rosé yawned but still manage to laugh as Jisoo was trying to balance a red cup onto her shoulder. The older girl didn't even notice and Rosé stood up laughing. Lisa followed her leaving the two older girls behind.

"God it is so fucking hot" Rosé giggled and pulled down her pants and took of her t shirt right in front of Lisa who just stood there dumb folded. She probably was the least drunk out of the two yet couldn't stop herself from admiring her friends body. "Lisaaaa! Come join meee!" the drunk girl whined as she laid herself down onto Jisoo her bed and Lisa chuckled before laying next to the older girl who immediately crawled into her.

She could get used to this clingy side of her friend Lisa smiled to herself and wrapped her arms around her friend.

The youngest girl was about to fall into a slumber when she got shaken back to reality by a soft kiss being placed into her neck. Her eyes shot open and glanced down at the girl who had placed another kiss and let out a soft groan when she felt teeth graze over a piece of her skin.

"Rose... what are you doing..." Lisa mumbled questioning but the older girl ignored it and created a slight mark. She moved her lips towards the younger girl her jaw but Lisa moved slightly away. "Go sleep Rosé you're drunk. You probably don't even know what you are doing."

"I am sooo not drunk" Rosé mumbled and kissed the younger girl right next to the corner of Lisa her mouth. "Rosé... Stop... You are wasted... I mean I am kind of too but I can pull a line." She mumbled.

Rosé whined as Lisa pushed her slightly away. "Sleep okay? You need it Rosie" she whispered and Rosé pouted before yawning and cuddling closer to Lisa before almost falling asleep immediately.

Lisa soon after followed her.


"Fuck I shouldn't have drank so much" Jisoo mumbled the next morning as four hungover girls sat at the dining table. "I only have a slight headache" Lisa chuckled as Rosé rolled her eyes as rubbed her temples "Rub it in our faces that you drank the least yesterday evening".

"Fuck I don't understand how my mom handles these every day" Jennie mumbled making everyone shoot worried glances at each other. Jennie noticed the slight awkward situation she created and chuckled, "it's alright guys. We all know my mom drinks like 24/7 so".

As Jennie went to get a cup of water Jisoo whispered "I think that she is still a tiny bit drunk. She never likes talking about her mom." They nodded and the oldest quickly took big gulp of water.

"So what are our- what the fuck is that Lisa?" Jisoo asks and points at a red mark on Lisa her neck. "What? Oh this? Um..." She felt her mind go blank while trying to think of a reasonable explanation and glanced at Rosé who probably didn't remember anything of the night before.

Suddenly her face went pale and her eyes went wide. "Don't tell me I did this." she whispered and Lisa shrugged and ran a hand through her hair. "You were drunk and I was a bit too, maybe you thought I was your ex or something."

"Rosie posie you did that? Holy shit!" Jennie exclaimed and stared with her mouth agape. "Damn girl! I never even saw you clinging onto your ex? Are you into girls or something?" Jisoo asked and Rosé felt that her lips were dry. Her throat too. She started to panic.

"I... I..." Suddenly she started crying and ran upstairs, leaving three confused girls behind. They chased after her when it dawned on them what happened and knocked on the locked door of Jisoo her room. "Rosie why are you crying?"Jisoo asked "What is wrong Chae? Why are you locking us out?" Jennie continued.

"Please leave me alone. Go away." Rosé whimpered while she tried to hold back her tears, but they kept on flowing.

They would all fucking hate her. They would despise her.

She liked girls. She didn't like boys. Why couldn't she just like boy like Jennie, Jisoo and Lisa did?

Why did she had to fuck everything up?

Why did her drunk self fuck everything up? She had been able to cover it up so good.

Lisa would think she was weird. A freak. She wouldn't want to spend time anymore with the girl. She wouldn't want to sleep in one bed anymore. Jisoo, Jennie, they would never feel comfortable to shower with her anymore. Change clothes in front of her. They would never want to do the things they used to do. They would look at things she did in the past and think of her like a pervert.

What did she do. Fuck, she was so screwed. She just lost her best friends. She just lost them.

Why did she need to like girls?

What would she tell her parents? What would they tell her parents?

Fuck Chaeyoung.


Hey guyss. I am so busy with school and life but I'm doing my best (:

Hope you guys liked it

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