He Likes You ~15 [unedited]

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Jisoo raked her fingers over the books that were placed on one of the thousands of book shelves. Her finger stopped on "The Alchemist" And she decided to pick that book to dive in to. It had been a long day and she just wanted to relax and read a book in the library not too far from her house.

In the early morning she had went to visit Jennie and she spend some time with the girl. At that time visitors actually weren't allowed but her mother knew one of the people that worked there, so she got allowed after some strings had been pulled. She didn't want to wait until Rose and maybe also Lisa were going to visit Jennie because she wanted the girl to have her friends by her side throughout the day. After the visit to her friend she went with her sister to the movie theater. They watched the movie MA and really enjoyed it.

Jisoo was glad that she had been able to spend some time with her older sister because over the past months she had grown busier and spend less time at home on the weekends. This made her a bit sad deep down because since they were little her and her older sister had a very close relationship. They always played together, went to the playground together in their free time or just played games at home. Jisoo realized that times had changed and that they were older now but that didn't stop her from feeling a bit sad.

She tried pushing that feeling away and started to read the book, soon getting engulfed into the story. All of a sudden while she was in the third chapter she felt a hard object hitting her leg followed by a thud. She quickly looked at her leg and to the side and saw a book laying next to her leg with a figure laying on the floor. The person hastily stood up and was red with embarrassment. "I am so sorry, oh my God I, My apologies I didn't notice that my shoelaces were not tied and, holy shit" he rambled and Jisoo chuckled and picked up the book he had let go of during his fall "It's okay. Just tie them before it happens again and your book flies into someone their face". He turned even more red out of embarrassment and quickly tied his laces.

"Oh I've read this book! It's really good." Jisoo said as she inspected the book the boy had dropped. "Really? I'm only a few chapter in but I already like it. Does Larrison really end up trapped in the cage like that weird woman predicted?" Jisoo laughed and handed him his book back "Read to find out. I'm Jisoo by the way" He accepted the book with a smile on his face and slightly bowed."Nice to meet you, I'm Jora."


"I haven't had a burger in ages" Lisa said as she was eating her food happily. "How come?" the older girl mumbled with her hand before her mouth as she still had some fries in her mouth. "My dad never gives me this" she said and took another bit of her meal. "But you can just buy it yourself" she laughed and Lisa gave her half a smile "Yeah I guess so".

There was a short silence before the younger girl spoke up again "So a few days ago in class when the teacher had left for a minute, this group of friends started talking. And they sat behind me so I heard their conversation. Apparently Jae Sung, I don't know if you know who he is... Well anyways, apparently, he likes you" Lisa said before biting into a hand full of fries. Rose her eyes widened a bit and swallowed the bit of the burger she was chewing. "Um... That is interesting... And yes I know him. I was in a class with him last year" She commented indifferently. "Ah alright. Find him cute?" Lisa smiled and took a sip of the bottle of water she had bought. "He is, he is alright" She said and shrugged finishing her burger, only having some fries left. "Ah I got it" Lisa smiled and finished her food.

"Fuck I am stuffed. And I need to fit into that dress tomorrow." She slightly groaned and Rose laughed "You'll be fine. I am sure that you'll look amazing tomorrow. Really". Lisa could sense the genuineness laced into the older girls voice and smiled widely, covering her lips with her hands, feeling a bit embarrassed on how she couldn't contain herself. Rose smiled at the sight and impulsively reached out and gently removed Lisa her hand from her mouth "Your smile is pretty. Don't hide it." Both girls gazed into each others eyes for a second before Rose removed her hand and averted her eyes. "Uh, this food was really nice. Lets head off?" She suggested and Lisa who still wasn't sure what had happened just nodded and got up. The two girls walked out of the fast food restaurant and made their way towards the parking lot. Deep in her thoughts Rose suddenly let out a slight squeal as she felt someone grab her wrist and drag her to the side. It was Lisa who pulled her to what seemed a frozen yogurt place. "I know I said that I was stuffed but... Frozen yogurt? My treat" She said with a smile and the older girl chuckled and nodded her head "Alright then. Can I get the chocolate one topped with strawberries and sprinkels?".

Ten minutes later they sat down inside the small shop and ate their treat in a comfortable silence, just enjoying the flavors. Lisa was thinking about how a few weeks ago she wouldn't have even imagined doing this. She wouldn't have imagined having people she could call friends. Or going shopping with anyone other than herself or her stylist sometimes. If it weren't for this she probably would be alone in the big house. Getting drowned in music while dancing, or sometimes drowned in alcohol to feel a bit better. She knew that drinking wasn't good for her so she minimized it as much as possible but during some nights where feelings happened to overwhelm her too much she gave in. Yet instead of dancing until she almost dropped down from exhaustion, gaming until it was the next morning again or crying her eyes out while being drunk, she was here sitting eating frozen yogurt with Rose. And she enjoyed this way more.

After they had finished their treat the two girls drove off towards Lisa her house, enjoying music while singing along. "Thank you so much for coming with me today" Lisa gratefully said as they arrived at her place. "It was no problem... I enjoyed it" The older girl replied and send her friend a smile. "This is last minute but would you mind staying the night? Like I know that we aren't close friends like you are with Jennie or Jisoo but I don't know... Do you want to?" Lisa said a bit nervously and glanced at the girl. Rose was kind of shocked for a second before moving some hair back and shrugging "I mean I can ask...", so she did. She called up her mother who didn't seem to fond of the idea, but allowed her to with the exception that Lisa had to join a future dinner so they could get to know her better.

Soon enough the two girls were showered and were in Lisa her bed. Rose wore a pair of Lisa her older clothes that were surprisingly her size. "Thanks for staying over" Lisa said with a small voice and smiled slightly "It gets a bit lonely sometimes" She chuckled and grabbed the remote of her television and turned it to netflix. "What do you want to watch?" She asked and Rose shrugged and yawned, "Paper towns?" the younger girl suggested and Rose hummed "Sure. "

Halfway the movie Rose stared at her phone screen in a bit of a shock "People are so damn fast and nosy what the fuck" she said and turned her screen so Lisa could see. It was a tread of pictures of the two girls in the mall, at the food court and at the frozen yogurt place with the caption "Lalisa Manoban spotted with a girl in the Doota Mall wandering around and eating food. She isn't easily spotted with other people. Is this girl a gold digger or has miss Manoban gone on a date with a person of the same sex? Is she attracted to people of the same sex like some of us believe? Your thoughts and opinions in the comments bellow". Lisa rolled her eyes and sighed a bit before chuckling "I try to ignore those posts on instagram and twitter".

Rose hummed and started to read through the comments, still curious on what they might say. "That girl is hella lucky to be spending time with the Lalisa" "That girl is Rose Park, her father owns a company and they are rich too so I doubt she is a gold digger" "Lisa is so not into girls, especially not her. She isn't pretty enough." "It's a date! It's a fucking date guys" "Holy shit how has she managed to get into Lisa her circle. Their social class is probably so different." "Lisa is just a spoiled fuck that is going to use this girl" "Lalisa Manoban is Ugly" "Lisa probably doesn't even like the bitch" "The girl is such a thirsty whore hanging onto Lisa as if she is going to pay any attention to her ugly ass."

Rose quickly locked her phone and placed it on the side, not saying a word and tried to focus on the movie. But her mind kept going back to all those replies on that post. She only read a few from the hundreds and she already felt quite shitty. Was she really ugly? Was Lisa interested in girls? And how did they manage to find out who she was so fast? She sighed and slid down so that she was laying down completely "Tired?" Lisa asked a bit concerned and Rose hummed and yawned "Yeah me too, let's just sleep." She said and turned off the television and turned off the lights with an app on her phone.

"Goodnight Rose. Thank you for staying" Lisa whispered and the other girl mumbled "No problem. Goodnight Lisa".

A few minutes later both girls were asleep, inches apart. But the gap between them continued to get smaller as time went on, both bodies craving each others heat.


Update for -Lilisa- ♡ lmao

But yeah what is Lisa getting herself into?

And Jora? uwu (hate this but) uwu 😂😂

And where is Jennnnn why isn't she in this chapter smh

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