6: Lance

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Mom was holding my hand as we walked inside the hospital. This was a very important and scary day for me. My parents thought I was just nervous.But I was petrified. Thinking back on what my parents told me. This was the only way I would be able to ever have sex, to ever have children, to ever be normal. Mom sat me down and went up to the desk. I was fiddling with my fingers. Something didn't feel right about this. I hadn't had a rut/heat since my last surgery, which was a few weeks ago. And usually they came every 2 weeks. I wanted so badly to tell my mom but she felt that this was right. She wanted me to get better, to give her children, to be with the person I loved without being scared to have a rut/heat. 

A woman asked for me to come with her, and I thought she was the nurse. When me and my mom went with her, she lead us to a different wing of the hospital, which made me and my mom look at each other in confusion. The woman told me to sit  on a bed and she sat across from me on a stool. "Um I thought that I was going to get my surgery today." She sighed. "You don't need surgery. Dr. Trainor made a false diagnosis. We fired him because he kept on insisting that you needed surgery even when we proved that you didn't."

"What would have happened if Dr. Trainor did perform surgery on him?" Mom asked. The woman sighed. "He would've been sterile. The procedure he wanted to do would have stopped you from having children." I looked to my mom. We were coming to get surgery so I could have children and my doctor wanted me to stop having children. I nodded and waited. My mind was racing. What the hell was going on? I knew that something was wrong here.

As mom drove us back home I felt that I had to call Keith. He had become very nice and sweet and had become something I constantly wanted to be around. But he had walls. While I was over here telling him everything about my surgeries, opening up to him, he was hidden, not wanting to ever speak of anything other than school. He never told me anything about his parents, except for the fact that his dad was an omega and his mom an alpha. He only told me that his dad died about a year ago and that his mother had beaten herself up over it. He told me that his brother was married to a man named Adam and that they were expecting a baby. But other than that he said nothing about how he felt, how he was doing after his dad's death, nothing about what he thought of the world.

As I walked up to my room, my phone buzzed. Taking it out, I was surprised to see that Keith had managed to call me 3 times, of course no answer, and had texted me. I unlocked it and read the message.

👅Keith👅: Hey do you maybe wanna hang out at the coffee shop just down the road from the school?

I smiled but then frowned, my ex, Lotor, and his family owned the coffee shop. Even though Lotor's dad was the principal, Allura's parents were the owners of the shop but Lotor worked there. I texted him back pretty fast.

😇Lance😇: Sure. When?

👅Keith👅: How about 5 minutes?

I smiled, blushing just a bit. Even though I was the alpha, Keith was making the moves.

😇Lance😇: Sure. See you then

👅Keith👅: 😉😛

I turned my phone off and reached for my jacket. Walking down the stairs, my mom stopped me. "Where are you going?" She asked. I kissed her cheek. "I'm going to a coffee shop downtown with Keith."

She smiled and kissed my forehead. "Ok. Be safe and text me when you get there." I smiled and hugged her close. She pet my hair before pushing me back and sending me on my way. I never thought that I would be doing this with a guy that seemed so sweet.

Oh boy was I excited.

(Guys guess what? I have insomnia! That not only means that I sleep very late in the morning but I can upload at like 1 or 2 in the morning, meaning you guys get more updates. Ya'll are really rooting for this book. I have a secret. I am making this a trilogy. The second book will be "Going Forwards" and the 3rd one will be called "Staying in the present". When I finish this book please go check them out. I haven't started writing them.

Love you guys.)

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