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'I never thought that Lance would ever act like that to me. He had always acted so sweet and calm. He seemed to be jealous but he isn't even my boyfriend. He doesn't have the right to tell me who I can and cannot hang out with. I was waiting for everyone in my house to fall asleep before I left for the party. Adam was knocked out already, the baby taking a toll on him. Shiro had already carried him up the stairs to the bedroom so I grabbed my keys and drove to the party.

The whole way there I was worried that Lance would be there. Of course he would be there. But I was also thinking that maybe Lance was right. Lotor had been talking about me with his friends saying that I was pretty. I could hear him every once an a while. But maybe Lance was wrong.

Once I had gotten to the party I instantly was met with the smell of sex. It flooded my nose and made me hunch over a counter to get my balance. My body felt sweaty. "Keith!" I turned and saw Lotor coming over to me. I forced a smile as he introduced me to his friends. My skin felt hot and scaly. I didn't know if I was going into heat. It didn't feel the same way as it usually did. 

I saw the door open and saw Lance, Pidge, Allura, Shay, and Hunk walk through. Lance glanced in my direction and I glanced away. I didn't want to face Lance or his fucking attitude. "Yeah this is my boyfriend." Lotor said. Boyfriend? I never said that. But then again I can make Lance jealous. I turned and saw Lance frozen looking at me and Lotor. I turned and smirked. My skin crawled and I felt like I was going into heat. I had felt this before. I turned and saw Lance watching me carefully.

I wanted to speak to Lance badly, tell him to take me home. Or maybe I should call Shiro. No. He'd get so pissed at me for making him get out of the house. I waited for Lotor to get done talking. "I'm going to the bathroom." I said. I wriggled from Lotor's grasp and ran upstairs. The feeling of slick running down my legs made me go faster. I opened the bathroom door and locked it behind me. 

Whining I reached to lean against the door. I wanted someone to come and help me. I needed to get home. Tears flowed down my face when a gentle knock came on the door. "Keith! Are you okay?" Lance. I groaned and hit the door. "Take me home please Lance." I cried. Shuffling and moving was heard outside. "Get away from the door Lance." Lotor snarled. I felt a sharp jolt against the door. "No. You're not getting to him." Lance growled. "Lance please!" I sobbed. "Keith!" Lance growled and left the door, making me scratch at it. "Lance! Please come back!" The door handle jiggled. "Keith opened the door!" I reached for the doorknob and turned the lock, falling back onto the floor into a ball. 

The door opened and Lance was over me all of a sudden. He touched my arms and I reached for his biceps. "Take me home please."


Lance had been carrying me the whole way to the car. Pidge and Hunk were telling him to put me down, as he could have been affecting by my scent glands. "Lance give him to me and Hunk. You can't carry him anymore. You'll go into a rut/heat." Pidge said. Lance growled. "I don't go through those anymore. Only a rut. But you're right." He grunted as he positioned me to be put into Pidge and Hunk's arms. 

I whined and scratched him to stay with him. "Don't make me leave." Lance sighed and kissed my forehead and put me in Hunk's arms. "No!" I yelled as Hunk and Pidge put me in the backseat. Hunk had pulled me into his arms, a towel on his lap. He was stroking my hair. "It's alright Keith. When we get you home you can make a nest and you can sleep. I'm sure you're brother-in-law can help." I snuggled into Hank's chest as he spoke soothingly to me.

When we pulled up to the house, Shiro was running up. "Where the hell is Keith?" I lifted my head only to groan in pain and put it back in Hunk's chest. I heard Adam gasped. "Takashi, get some nose plugs. He's in heat. Hurry and get him in his bedroom. Keith do you need to nest?" Adam asked as he pet my hair. I nodded and groaned in pain. "It's alright. When we get inside I can help you okay?" I nodded as Shiro lifted me up into his arms. Lance rushed over to me. "It's gonna be okay. I'll see you when you're okay got it?" I nodded and he kissed my lips gently. "Please be okay."

(Looooooooonnnnnnnnnngggggggggg chapter. I had fun with this. It was pretty cool

love you guys

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