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When Lance got here, he pounced on me and attacked me in a hug. He kept on murmuring how much he missed me, how much he worried about me. I only hugged him back and let him hold me close. I had honestly missed him. The only thing that I had remembered from my heat was Lance kissing me. It had made me feel wanted. Made me feel like I belonged for once. At some point I would have to face the fact that I had to find a mate. My dad said that he loved another but had to learn to love his mother before he would become prey upon alphas. He said that eventually I had to find a mate. Mates were the things that omegas loved the most. You always had someone to bred with, someone to marry, someone to have children with. I wanted a mate. Maybe that mate was Lance.

"Lance about my heat I-" He covered my mouth with his finger. "I'm sorry. I overstepped. I shouldn't have watched you all night and I shouldn't have kissed you before you left." I opened my mouth to speak when I stopped. Lance was apologizing to me. He was just a very prideful guy that Pidge and Hunk had told me that he never apologized. "Lance-"

"Keith. I'm so sorry for doing that. I shouldn't have done it." His hands were on my cheeks, holding me close. It was cold so his hands were freezing but I didn't want him to take them off. I was practically begging for his hands to stay on my cheeks. While they were cold, they were warming my heart. "Lance-"

"Keith. I think that I love you. You're something that I've been close to for a few months now. Everytime that we are together my heart beats loud. Every time that you speak my stomach does flips. Every time that you look at me I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest and hug you. God Keith I love you." I looked at him. My hands trailed up his chest and rested on his forearms. His arms were on my cheeks as I held his arms from underneath. 

"Lance. I love you too. I was trying to keep it low, trying to keep it hidden. The whole situation with my parents and everything, I was scared. Trying to keep my life and my feelings under the radar. I didn't want anyone to know." I looked up at him. He leaned his forehead against mine, his hot breath cascading on my skin. My hands gripped his under forearms. He leaned forward and connected our lips. I didn't stop him this time. I welcomed him. The feeling of his lips on mine made my skin crawl but it also made my heart beat faster than ever.

I knew what I was feeling. It was something that I had never felt. This was something that I would never admit to anyone.

I was in love with Lance McClain.

When Lance pulled away, I felt lonely again. I wanted to beg for his lips against mine again. Instead he lifted me in his arms, making me squeal. He carried me over to my couch and laid me under him. "Keith. I wanna date you." I smiled and kissed him. "Of course crazy." I replied. Lance kissed me passionately until the door to Adam and Shiro's room opened. "Keith!" Shiro yelled and yanked Lance off of me, pinning him to the door.

I grabbed Shiro's arm. "Shiro. I asked him to come. Let him go." Shiro looked at me and let Lance go. "Don't do that ever again." Shiro said then walked back upstairs past Adam. Adam walked downstairs as Shiro slammed the door.

"I'm sorry Lance. Shiro has become more hostile since his father's death. It makes me personally afraid for our child." Adam said as he rubbed his growing stomach on the couch. "Shiro scares me too. Mom has officially said that if Shiro doesn't get his act together, she's gonna kick him out and leave Adam with her." I said. Adam sighed and rubbed his stomach. 

"It makes me scared seeing as my doctor said that I will have to have the baby premature. My body is too weak from all the working and shit. It hurts a lot. I haven't told Shiro though." I sat next to him, Lance sitting also. "When is your c-section?" Lance asked, rubbing my arm. "I'm in my 6th month so when I get in my 35th week. If I delay the c-section at all after that I may lose the baby." Adam said. Lance kissed my shoulder, probably seeing that I was stressed.

"The stress from trying to help your mother, trying to keep Shiro calm and trying to take care of the baby is taking the toll on me. We decided on a name." Adam said. It was obvious that he was trying to get his mind off of his surgery. I smiled and grabbed his arm. "Really?" I asked. Adam nodded and smiled. "It's going to be a girl so we are naming her Melody Ann Kogane. (Pretend that Shiro shares the last name Kogane. Just go with it. IT's supposed to go with the story.) I'm excited." Adam said. Lance smiled and chuckled. "I know my mom was. Even though she lost 2 children, she loved them the same." Adam's eyes widened. Lance gasped and grabbed Adam's hand.

"Calm down. She wasn't supposed to have children. They got too large. It's fine. With your daughter coming premature, she should be fine." Adam sighed and leaned his head on my shoulder. "I think I'm gonna go to sleep."

Once Adam was asleep, Lance stood. "I better go." I stood after him and followed him to the door. He put his snow jacket on and his shoes. "Lance." I said as I grabbed his arm before he left. He turned. "Kiss me. Kiss me like you love me. Like I'm everything that you need." Lance pulled me in his arms and did exactly that. When we parted, he put my head in his chest and kissed my head. "Remember, nothing can change my feelings. I feel we are mates." I smiled and held him close.

He lifted my head and opened the door again, walking out to his car.

I could gladly say that I was in love with Lance McClain.

1077 words guys! This was a fucking long chapter. It actually was a 3 day process. I was thinking and thinking and I didn't want to just put this away to another chapter. Some things needed to be said about Shiro and Adam's relationship and some things needed to happen in Keith and Lance's. Now Keith and Lance may be dating but Keith is still going to be relatively distant. And Lance is going to try and convince him to be stronger. Anyway I think that I am going to hold off on the pregnancy for now. I may want them to consider getting married then get them married in the second book and in the second book Keith finds out he's pregnant and all this shit is going on. Tell me if maybe you wanna see this happen or if you want the pregnancy to happen further towards the end of the book. Idk. I'm still thinking.

Love you guys

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